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I Forge Iron

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Hello folks.

My name is Troy though my handle will be Shoboshi. I am new to the forum and have enjoyed perusing the previous posts and learning a thing or two. I am interested in bladesmithing using stock removal and learning to properly heat treat and temper. I am most interested in japanese style blades and possibly creating some nice hamons.

So hello to everyone and I hope to fit in.

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Steve-- Thanks. I look forward to the learning curve. I do intend to start small, but isn't it funny how the eagerness and excitement make you want to reach so high right off the bat? I am reining myself in though. My first project will be a tanto or some other knife size blade. Many moons from now. There is quite a bit to read and absorb and then reread and absorb some more. Then some questions. Glad I found this forum.

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Welcome aboard Troy, glad to have you.

You'll find plenty of folk willing to fill you with information, advice and help you trouble shoot problems.

If you'll click "User CP" at the top of the page and edit your profile to show your location it can make a big difference. IFI is represented by members in more than 50 countries and a lot of info is location specific. If local folk know you're around they can invite you to gatherings, tip you to tool deals and offer hands on help.


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