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I Forge Iron



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I guess for now I'm the newest newbie.
I'm Greywolf from Honolulu,Hawaii. I make a few archery bows a year. I wanted to do something different so i thought about doing some wire inlays.

So hope you don't mind a few rookie questions, seems purty straight forward, Guess thats the first mistake.

I love to make my own wood working tools for my bows, also make my own tools for skinning and tanning deer hides. Also interested in making a knife or two from a saw blade, so making a forge will be in order.

Hawaii has no real industry here, so everything has to either be made or shipped over to us. Should be a fun experience.

Mahalo Nui Loa (Thank you very much)


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welcome bruddah!!
I'm really glad to see you here, when I travel I like to look up smiths in the region, and since Hawaii is one of the places I hit, well, maybe we will be seeing each other!! My dad was born in Tripler, My Grandma was born on the wet side of Kaui, and my wife was born in Waipahu, I was raised in Kaneohe, and lived near Rockys liquor store in Kailua. Certified in scuba in Hanauma Bay in 77, and still have a lot of family out there! And it's really hard to bring smithin tools on the plane all the way from NY!! anyway feel free to ask away, many wise men here!

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Welcome aboard Mark, glad to have ya.

Making specialty tools and pieces for "other" pursuits is one of the most common gateway "reasons" people get themselves addicted to blacksmithing. It usually isn't too long afterwards a person's old tools and equipment are all dusty and buried under blacksmithing tools and such.

Charcoal is a fine forge fuel, hardwood, softwood or coconut shell will all do the trick. Making charcoal is pretty straight forward and an oft discussed topic here abouts.

I've only been to the Islands once and intend to visit again. The Kona Coast was my favorite once I located a coffee shop that opened early enough for me. ;)


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