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I Forge Iron

Conserving charcoal


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I live in the 'burbs and to escape the ire of my HOA, I use lump charcoal in my forge. I am only a hobbyist, so I don't usually forge for more than a couple of hours. I used to use coal and when it came time to stop forging, I would just separate the coals to reduce the thermal mass and they would go out on their own. With charcoal, I need to extinguish it. I have been slowly pouring water on in little dribs and drabs until the coals just go out, but the bottom of my forge is lined with adobe and I don't really like getting that wet. Does anyone have any other suggestions so that I don't waste a bunch of fuel every time I forge?


P.S.: Is a side draft forge better for charcoal?

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I also let the fire slowly get smaller at the end. By that time, I've usually got little things to do like heating for wax or I'll work on smaller hooks from nails or something, rather than keeping my fire big. Scooping the fire into the water would be another option if you were able to keep sparks from getting out.

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I use coke in the workshop but charcoal when teaching groups or demonstrating to hte public. I just use the dying embers of the forge to cook my dinner on :) Or as mentioned, organise things so I only need a very small fire at the end of forging.

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I agree to use the fire at the end of forging so less heat is needed.
As for smothering it put it in a tin can with a tight fitting lid such as a cookie or popcorn tin. I dont worry about wasting charcoal as I make my own from free wood.

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