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I Forge Iron



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I am retired, and my wife and I live in southern Virginia. I have had an interest for several years in making knives and hawks. I do not have a forge of my own, but sometimes mommy lets me go play in the fire over at Ron's house, where he makes decorative iron things.
We have decided to make a couple of tomahawks, and maybe a bowie or two. I have a couple of old paper cutter blades. I don't know what steel they are made of, but it's gotta be tough and abrasion resistant. It should make good edges or blades for hard working tools.
I'll probably be doing a lot more reading than contributing, at least for a while. I just like to make things, like carving pipes, bowls, etc. from wood, but now I'm getting into heavy metal and it looks like fun.


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Welcome aboard Leroy, glad to have ya.

There are plenty of outstanding knife makers to talk with here. Hopefully someone will pipe up with steel types used in paper knives.

If you'll click "User CP" at the top of the page and edit your profile to show your location it'll make a big difference. IFI is represented by members from more than 50 countries and a lot of info is location specific.


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