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I Forge Iron

Interested in learning about blacksmithing


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HI, thanks for taking time to view my post!!

I have always been interested in Blacksmithing, but since reading 'The Dream of Eagles' series by Jack Whyte, it has really peek my interest again. Out of curiosity, is it even viable to think of creating a hobby forge? How expensive is it? Can they be effective?

I have tons of questions, but that is enough for now. Please direct me to a beginner forum if there is one because I may have over looked it. Thanks kindly, and any thoughts would be great!!!

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I once built a complete beginners set up: forge, blower, anvil, tools for under US$25

This forge was my preferred forge for forge welding up damascus steel billets for several years.

So: Yes and Yes!

May I suggest you put a general location in your user CP so that we can direct you local help. Attending a local blacksmithing club meetings can give you a real leg up in getting started and finding equipment an help!

If you are near central NM, SWABA is having their meeting tomorrow morning in Albuquerque. Calendar of Events

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Welcome aboard, glad to have ya.

Hmmmm. Lets see, I think we put the beginner's forum under the awning by the cookies. ;)

You found the place folk on IFI range in skills from multi-generational professional smiths to guys who haven't figured out how to light a fire yet.

To answer your questions, Yes you betcha. A forge just holds a fire and doesn't need to be anything special a recent one presented here is made from a lawnmower deck. There are many made from brake drums and rotors, wheels and the ever popular 55gl drum.

Anvils can be anything from a large hammer head to RR rail to a brand spanking new product. I don't recommend boulders but if you're careful they will work just fine.

This craft is more about manual skills, knowledge and practice practice practice. A healthy dose of improvisational thinking is really valuable too.


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