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I Forge Iron

Armand Tatro

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Posts posted by Armand Tatro

  1. Good beginning for a low heavy duty striking vise so don't fix the leg..  You will never regret it!  I have a vise with a short leg and that is what I plan to use it for.  I have 2 or 3 complete vises for standard duty vise work so I can use the one with the damaged leg for a low striking vise.  See Brian brazeal's discussion on buidding a striking vise and you will understand what we are talking about.  By the way I may not have spelled Brian's last name right.  If so sorry Brian!  Armand

  2. Thankyou for the pictures of the door.  Other than the bi-fold doors That are cable lift on the inside the doors that I have seen like yours use hydraulic cylinders to lift them.  This door is the first one I have seen with a cable lift.  Thanks again!   Armand

  3. Working with cub scouts I would have kept both small forages so as to get as many people involved as possible.  Also keeping the small one means you don't have to fire the big one if you only needed a small.fire for a short time.  Also you woud have three forages if you hosted a hammer-in.  Consider all thoughts and possibiles before giving away to much.  Armand

  4. At  5 ft. 7 in. tall I would have to elemate the wood blocks as that vice is mounted too high to be comfortable for me to use unless that table is extremly short.  If you need the spacers I would replace the wood with steel as steel would be a solider mount.  Armand

  5. What can you tell me about your soldering iron heater?  Been wanting for years.  I have a 3 burner Majestic and wondering  if I used 1 burner if I could cut the heat down low enough to not over heat my soldering irons?  It has the side door as well as end doors.  I also have a infra-red temperature sensor to measure temperature.  How much temperatere do I need to heat soldering irons?  Thank you for any further information you can provide.   Armand

  6. Aaron:  Their is a diesel engine repair shop in Irwin, Il.(west of Kankakee, Il.) that has a machine that can vibrate/heat its way thru a broken headbolt or whatever without putting too much heat on what you want to save.  I can't remember the name of the machine however.  The point is their should be a repair/machine shop in your area that would have thise same machine that you could  take your vise to.  Maybe somebody on this site can put a proper name to this machine.  Meantime I will try to get more information tomorrow.   Armand

  7. VFInc:  Did you try the link to his website?  I tried a while back but could not make contact.  Might be my computor as threr is some software I do not have installed.  As a side note he did a CNC-controled Plasma pattern cutting table build and that build was detailed on this forum but I forget what chapter.  He used that pattern cutter to make the nice cuts on the hammer frame.  You all have a happy New Year!   Armand

  8. A. J. Clay had plans and started one of these builds  22 Dec 2010 under the heading of "New Style Kinyon Project/Drawing" on this page. 
    not finished that I know of and hasn't  updated in about a year.  Go down this page and you will see where I tried to contact him.  Click on that and you will find quite a few of his build and a link to his home page.  Good luck with your build and update your progress.  Armand 

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