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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by the_white

  1. After some extensive search I found some refractory cement sold in a bag of 25kg for 35$ a bag. I need to drive 1:30-2 hours to get it too. Here is the technical information on it. Company is vesuvius, product SURCAST
  2. The first time I ever met you and I had the chance to saw a lot of your creation and I was really speechless. Even if I am a neophyte to blacksmithing, I can see how much effort,time and experience must be put to realize such a piece. Thank you for sharing your work. the_white :D
  3. bought the anvil today. 75$ is the price i paid (shipping part was for the extra driving hour the guy did to drive to my job).Here is the picture of the top part, I find it not that bad. Thanks all for the help especially to those on live chat who helped me on the spot to make my decision. Thomas Dean i linked a picture of the top part in my first message.
  4. I got a chance do buy this Anvil for 75$ (50$ for the anvil, 25$ to deliver to me). I was wondering if it's worth it since it's a little damage. See for yourself on the pictures and tell me what you think. The guy weighted the anvil has 91 pounds on is scale.
  5. Hello all, I live in Gatineau and I'll start making my first propane forge soon. I'm not in OABA and I don't know if I can be since I live in Qu
  6. Thanks for the info guys, I really appreciate the time you take to help someone starting like me. I was really looking forward making that furnace into a forge Frosty, but your the man and if you think I should stick with regular forge plan for a start, then a forge plan I must make thanks again!
  7. I think i waited to long and lost the deal, so I'll build my own. Thx for your time and advice sloscheider.
  8. I will soon build my first gas forge and I must say this forum is filled with useful information for anyone willing to read a bit. I looked a lot on internet for some blueprints and I recently found a model that got my attention. It said to be a furnace but I was thinking of building it has a forge with some little modification. Here is the link Home Foundry Design Plans With all the useful information you guys wrote I'm wondering if it will be a good starting option since I don't know how often I'll smith and have no idea what fuel efficiency a good forge is. Also for the refractory cement I found a mix recipe at Homemade furnace refractories and I don't have any idea if that's a good mix at all. I was thinking of buying a high temperature specialized cement or mortar, but i don't know if that's a good idea also. I found a couple of metal frame forge with just the kawool like insulation and I was wondering if it would be a better idea for a starting forge. Here is some I was looking at Plans to build a simple gas forge or Freon Tank Propane Miniforge Anyone got some advice. thanks
  9. hi, I might be interested by the forge. I would like to know what is inside the forge to keep the heat, if its fire bricks, refactory bricks or a ceramic blanket. I need to know if its in good shape. I would like you to send me a couple pictures of the inside of it. I would need to see it work if i consider buying it, don't know if that's possible for you. If you can give me a phone number to reach you at it would be great. thx message me back here is answer. Good day Im afraid that the hose and regulator were wrecked in transporting the forge to its current home, so there is no way for me to demonstrate it in working order so unfortunately all you have is my word. As for the inside as far as I ever knew its brick but what it was never concernedme as much as the fact that the thing has no cold spots. Its black inside but considering that it usually gets about 2300 degrees thats kinda what you expect. While not in mint shape its still in great working shape. Needs the touch of a wire brush but thats all. Since I'm a newbie I'm asking for you guys experience to know if it's still worth the price. I'm wondering if the repairs it needs is something expensive to do. I asked him to see the inside to know if it need to be replaced. Is the bricks something that last long or is that another investement? thanks the_white:D
  10. This is my first post on this website. So first hello everyone! I have been thinking of starting blacksmithing has a hobby for a while and i just did the jump. I bought a small anvil already, a hay budden 70-75 pound (did a 3 hours (back and forth) trip and the anvil costed me 150$). I was thinking of doing BP0115 5th Wheel Forge | Blueprints 100-200 for a coal forge anytime soon once i figured out the materials and where i could buy my coal. I was going to wait for my propane forge, either build one out or buy one. Today i was looking arround on the internet and found that guy here. the following are the seller information: Used Whisper momma forge 300 OBO Price: $250.00 Used durning my days as a blacksmith, this forge never once let me down and while the tell tale sign of use colours the inside I can guarentee this forge will get done ANY job you need it to do. There is a little surface rust but nothing a quick brush with a wire brush wont take care of. New these sell for 450 dollars. Hose and regulator not included.
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