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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by antigoth24

  1. if i end up finding the rest of my copper and getting it to work ill definitely post pictures but ive only seen two pictures of it before but im trying to find the one from here because i know it had a lot of info with it but there is this one.... http://www.williamhenrystudio.com/blades.cfm 4th picture down
  2. so i know a while ago i saw someone post a reply with a pic of when they made a patternwelded blade but there was a strip of copper in it anyone know where it is because i cant find it...i did it on a very small test scale and it worked but i wanted to try a larger billet so if anyone knows the post it would be a great help...thanks!
  3. antigoth24


    wow!...that is one spectacular pattern and a very nice rustic look overall...awesome knife!
  4. im still having trouble with the uploads...now its saying the files are too big to load or something...so here are the links...first pic is the blade after heat treat and then start of the handle.
  5. trying my first folder, blade is made from an old file and is approximately 3.25 inches long, handle will be maple + forks (ill explain later. blade is nearly done but i wont have access ti a drill press for a few days so sorry about the delay...all comments welcome thanks for looking! ps sorry for the bad pics i dont have the best camera :/
  6. kk thanks im still learning the basics with knife making so i probably did overheat it before quench
  7. i know this doesnt have any look of a RR spike about it anymore but thats what the handle and cap for this cane are made from. railroad spikes are oh so handy :)
  8. ok so its still not letting me upload but here are some links to it... To attach photos on the new system, click on use full editor next at the bottom of this text box. click on the button click to attach files and browse your hard drive for the file. Highlight the file and click open. Repeat as needed for additional files. Click the box click modified post to save.
  9. firstly a happy new year to everyone! and secondly i love to recycle and am just starting into knives...so i had a couple old jack hammer bits lying around so i took of about 3.5 inches of the end and made a fairly large knife. but as it says in the title everything on this knife was essentially "recycled"...the handle is made from an old maple plant hanger someone was throwing out, jack hammer bit is self explanatory, the hand guard was made from a spoon, and the leather from a broken sling (swing around your head kind). overall i was fairly pleased with the knife except for a couple things...this was the first time i tried the "drill and burn" technique for a solid handle and i drilled just a little off so the blade is slighty crooked but i have no more of that maple so i went with it and figured it would be a good reminder for me later...and then the over thing was these kind of curvy lines that showed up in a few spots after quenching (are they stress marks?) well anywho this is my second knife and please let me know what you think...thanks guys! pics arent uploading properly so ill trying posting them again.
  10. sweet thanks brian! that sounds really interesting i saw something kind of similar to that once but it was like a drawknife with a socket that could be slid over a handle but it was used for pulling logs apart.
  11. i've made a few hatchets before but never a larger axe and i was skimming through this history book i have and saw this medieval peasant using an axe...nothing unusual there but i noticed it almost looked like it didnt have a normal eye so i thought i would try to figure it out (i am probably wrong) but i thought maybe it could have been made using a socket. so i tried it and this was mainly a test of the idea and getting some practice with making a proper edge . let me know what you think...all criticism is welcome....but so far its going through logs etc like theres no tomorrow. oh and if you guys know anything about the axe i was looking at please share p.s. i like to apply a protective layer of paint to prevent rust on my tools incase your wondering about the black.
  12. made this a couple days ago...started with part of a jack hammer bit and an old file. handle is made of maple and overall length is about 8.5 inches.
  13. so recently ive been making some basic bodkin points but im not entirely sure if the edges of the socket should overlap or not...any ideas? and for making swallowtail broadheads i have several ideas about how to make them but do you guys know the historically accurate way of making them?
  14. you etch it after you make it into a knife of course
  15. so im sitting at work (the paying job ) and a thought struck me that i thought would be kind of strange and funny. now if you were to make just a standard patternwelded billet, say a ladder pattern, and you then made it into a railroad spike. afterwards making that into a RR spike knife....might make some people turn their heads....what are your thoughts?
  16. well i was looking through a box oh old files when the thought struck me...how do you even make these? so i ran over a couple possibilities and they didnt seem like they work so i came here i might try and make one now though just as one of those "i did that" projects ;p
  17. as stated above...i havent been able to find anything on this so maybe you guys could help me out...how to you go about making a file or rasp?
  18. thankfully its going to a person i know and trust and there should be lots of pictures for when its done
  19. so someone wants me to build them an approx. 4 ft tall by 5-6ft long roman style scorpion...i've done similar projects before but never sold one so i'm not really sure on how to price it (material/fuel cost is between $150-$300 depending) i havent been able to find anything like this with a price tag on it for a rough idea so any ideas from you guys on a fair price?
  20. so today i tried my first knife/damascus but a thought just occurred to me after making the knife....i made this out of pretty much the same stock will there be any patterns that show up? i used four separate 2" pieces to form the billet and folded it over twice. just wanted to get some guidance (buying the acid in a couple hours and wanna know before i use it). i think i know what the answer will be but just wanted to double check thanks guys
  21. i see why you like the have and you did a really good job on the blade...nice work!
  22. ok so i wanted to make a tree, only 1' high, out of individual strips of flattened 12 gauge wire. the base stump was working well but im having trouble with going higher. i do not have my welding equipment yet but any suggestions would be appreciated. ok so i attached a rough sketch of what its going to look like each little "rectangle" on the tree is a strip of steel.
  23. thanks for all the help i tried the drilling then burning technique and it worked great ill post pics later
  24. i took me about two months of research to find all the info i need on all the types of mail/ learning to make them. and just last week on a trip to my local library i found all that info in a childrens' book...but anyway for what kind of mail your making really depends on the time period you want anything basically before 1 AD could be butted anything after could be riveted but there was still one or the other based on where and when you where. butted is by far much faster, cheaper, and less time consuming. but riveted is stronger and lighter (in most cases) but unless someone is actually going shoot an arrow at you butted would be the way to go. i prefer to use 12 gauge steel wire used for fencing (you can buy it at home depot or lowes- $10 for about 200 ft) and i go with 1/4 inch or smaller diameter rings. making its simple once you get the hang of it all you need is patience.
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