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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by antigoth24

  1. well im sure ill be making more so ill make sure to do that next time
  2. well actually i worked it hot the entire time, around a dull red, and thank you for the compliment :)
  3. had some scrap copper bar around and i had never made a russian rose before so here's my attempt. its about 5 inches tall and a little less than a 1/4 inch stem...sorry about only one angle in the pic i "donated" it to a friend shortly after making ;)
  4. haha yes thanks well im soon to be starting the "spring cleaning"and you should definitely try it they are loads of fun to make and an excellent exercise all around
  5. haha yes thanks well im soon to be starting the "spring cleaning"and you should definitely try it they are loads of fun to make and an excellent exercise all around
  6. this was my first drifted hawk head and made from about 3" of S2 and handle is maple let me know what you guys think all comments welcome!
  7. i found this simple idea in a knifemaking book i just found and im surprised i hadnt thought of it before! a survival knife with a pipe handle for storage! im sure that wont come as a surprise to many of you but i got excited and started making it on tuesday and this is the result. steel is 5160 and the blade is a little bit ovevr 6 inches long and the handle about 5.5 inches long. thus far ive only done the rough forging and grinding (still finishing the saw teeth). now this was the first time i did anything like saw teeth and i dont have a band saw so i was using an angle grinder so any tips or tricks you guys could offer on that subject would be much appreciated! thanks for looking
  8. very nice start! i especially like the third (lower pics) one's shape its very interesting...nice job
  9. made this back around november for a friend of the family...three leaves represent the trinity...so let me know what you guys think and thanks for loooking!
  10. so i finished up the handle and guard i wanted this to look like it was like a hundred years old and i think i got that affect...all comments welcome
  11. had some spare time tonight and made this knife the shape reminds me of a seax a little bit...overall length is close to 10 inches, blade 7 inches x 1/2 in wide and made from a file. i did the preliminary grinding that you can see in this pic and ill post the pics as i finish it up. this is my 5th knife and as always comments are welcome! thanks for looking.
  12. just thought you guys might be interested this, even though it fairly basic. sorry i dont have pictures of every step but it gives you a better idea. and sadly my propane froze up (or maybe just out)before i could finish this batch so the "finished" picture is just the one i made yesterday. now i was working on 12 at once and they are turning out properly i just need more hours in the day and more fuel in the tank 1st pic: start with roughly 14 inch long 1/8 inch thick round bar 2nd pic: fold over at half way point on the bar and make even 3rd pic: then fold what you had in pic 2 back so that its a quarter length of the original stock, 4 times as thick, and "square" 4th pic: forgeweld about 3/4 in to 1 in of one end of the bar and flatten to a "fish tail" shape and then wrap to make the socket 5th step: (forgot to take picture :/ ) then twist the remaining stock together and forgeweld 3/4 of the tip and draw to a point 6th pic: finished
  13. yeah im headin out to the shop today so ill hopefully get a few done
  14. its surprisingly light actually the entire weight of the arrow is only about 1.5 ounces the heaviest "war" bodkin and arrow i made was close to 4 oz! it landed only about 20 ft shorter then a carbon arrow from a 63 lb longbow so this should still get distance (but i doubt ill be shooting them very far ;p)
  15. hey guys heres a test arrowhead i did today...just trying the concept with some scrap i had lying around...basket twist with tang for the body and you place your flammable stuff in the basket i saw it on weapon masters but ill post more pics when i make my real ones
  16. thanks! ya the handle just kind of took shape as i went i didnt really have an idea in mind before hand
  17. i forged it...i typically (holding the tongs against my side) bring the stock up to the edge of the anvil and tilt it at a slight angle and then strike the top point of the stock at an angle...this causes the two sides to start slanting together into a point and then place the stock "flat" as in no longer tilting it...and the strike with your hammer at an angle this takes the point away from the center and then continue drawing the point to however fine you want it.
  18. hey guys this is about my fourth knife and i made it from an old file and the handle is oak...all comments and criticism welcome. thanks for looking!
  19. thanks for the info i had been wondering what it was called.
  20. thats a very good first attempt! i like the overall shape of the knife its kind of organic ish...nice job
  21. yeah it is leather wrapped just for simplicity and yeah sorry about the picture...cellphones what you going do? and adamj is tempered surprisingly easily no big problems to speak of.
  22. had a couple hours to spare this afternoon and had an old file this is the product :)overall length is about 10.5 inches let me know what you think all comments are welcome! thanks for looking
  23. thats cool but not quite what i meant very helpful site though thanks for the link! that ball bearing thing looks like it would be cool to try
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