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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Charlotte

  1. Here is an alternative for you.  For the value of the material it would be worth while to build several Frosty t burners (see recent posting in gas forge forum)  and create a large volume "fire pit"  or  other temporary "kiln" to anneal portions of your stock pile.  Temperature can be monitored for the cheap price of an infrared thermometer ( I paid 10 bucks) available at Harbor freight. Between eye ball and cheap instrument you may be able to salvage all or at least part of you stock.  Keep in mind the Raku kilns that potters use. Those are basically wire cages lined with kao wool.   

  2. cliffrat , I would not be surprised if some self appointed "purist" decided that non-ABS should not be permitted to publish unsanctioned and unendorsed works on Knife making.

    I have witnessed that tendency in other organizations.  There are always those who would rather appeal to authority than examine things as there are.  I do know of one ABS MS who, after passing his tests, suddenly became very ridged and protective of ABS.  The arrogance he subsequently displayed was a little off putting when any of the myriad sub techniques was discussed.  That said, he is still a heck of a good man and worth knowing.

  3. if it is oxy / fuel and you have oxygen and no fuel you can ignite your lighter if it is a zippo or similar.  Butane lighters can malfunction and vent butane rapidly creating a fire ball.

    The pilot light flames have a limited supply of fuel present in the reaction zone.

    Weldors should never carry plastic butane lighters in clothing.  Nasty accidents have happened when sparks penetrated clothing to the lighter.

  4. Blacksmith these days is kind of a hyphenated vocation.   You may be  Mechanic-blacksmith aspiring to be an artist smith as in Artist-Blacksmiths of North America. 

    I don't think of my self as a Blacksmith.   I'm more of a metal mangler with aspirations to be something better.  

    There are people on this site that are willing to share their insights on process and materials with great generosity.  I'm not sure, but I think that many of the most expert smiths on this sight still have day jobs. It seems that 21st century offers few opportunities for a life as a Classic Blacksmith making all the things possible with hammer and hand.   However, even in my working career as an analytical chemist if found that there were occasions in which I could forge or weld something for my job which was better or unobtainable other wise. 

    Blacksmith?  How do we define the occupation in 2015?  A person that makes all or the majority of their income through the manufacture of ferrous metal goods that are forged whole or for the most part in not automated processes?  

     I think not.  I don't have an answer but I will attempt to try to master the skills that Historic and Modern Blacksmiths have passed on to us.

  5. One of the problems with oil stones is the gumming up effect of oxidized oil and fine steel particles.  I acquired a stone at a garage sale that was so clogged that I gave away to a co- worker.  He passed a steam cleaner across it and had a good Norton stone.  He busted my chops at lunch for a month.

  6. Needs some careful engineering calculation.  Just my eye ball says that you will need to post more information about the tractor its weight and length and the proposed weight of lift and extension angles of the gin pole before any realistic answer can be given. 

    Seen a lot of these homebuilt attachments.  Most of them are less ambitious that yours.  At the present size I think you need a serious rethink.


  7. There are several things wrong with your build from start to finish but...Your own creative design finally pulls enough air at 5 psi and has enough velocity (kinetic energy) and volume of gas to over come the restrictions  in the system. I suggest you search for Frosty T-Burner  in the search system or even read some of the stickies posted here,

  8. Charles, in the normal course of events that would be the expected course of  action.  Problem is this machine is many years old and a discount  brand.

    I found a supplier in Cleveland, OH.   They are a factory authorized dealer for Century Mfg.  Turns out that this machine's liners are a crossover with Lincoln.  At a guess I say it's design is simplified low price version manufactured under license.

    I had an uncle in a different industry that set up those deals for his company.  That is what give me the idea. 

  9. Thank you for the advice.   Btw what is the cleaner you folks use and what goes on the felt pad.   I decided that I will have to try to buy a liner.  To do anything I will have to disassemble the gun and machine connection any way.   In for a penny in for a pound or some such. 

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