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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by alexandr

  1. Thanks!!! Fortunately, I do not live in Siberia. Today, only -20. I remember only one winter in 1978, the week was about 40 degrees.
  2. HI! Interesting. What's better? -40 or +40 C
  3. The parcel with the fireplace screen got to Billings Montana. Customer satisfied.
  4. Continued. The future fireplace decor and wall clocks. It remains to do iron.
  5. Looked out the window, and there is a winter fairy tale! This means that the morning will begin again with a shovel.
  6. Thanks! This is the best Russian shoes for winter. Called valenky . Did not find the English name. Meteorologists promise a further cooling.
  7. Hi guys! We have a real winter. 2 weeks it was snowing, every day it was necessary to remove snow. Today frost hit, -20 at night.
  8. In the autumn I made a chandelier. I began to make the decor of aged pine on the fireplace in the same style. The work is very dusty, worked on the street. Today frost -15. I had to dress warmly.
  9. Put the first part on the stairs. The second will be more difficult.
  10. I support. It's easier for me to press a button than to translate into English.
  11. Thanks! Laser cutting. I order, very convenient. I have plasma cutting, but the cut is not neat.
  12. Pipe 1 "is also suitable for e-12, e-14 lamp holders. My English is terrible. Our ship loaded 3 days in the port of Perth. I went ashore only once, for several hours. These are all my impressions of Australia.
  13. HI! Thank! Probably I can say. At 83 I was in Australia, near Brisbane, in Perth.I worked in the Far Eastern Shipping Company.
  14. These leaves are made of twig. 20 pieces at a time, for more power is not enough.
  15. HI! I'm not young anymore. Make it easier to work wherever possible. I use acetylene only for local heating and brazing.
  16. I do not have my own laser cutting machine, I order it in another workshop. I have a plasma, but it takes a long time to cut it.
  17. HI! Try this way. Laser cutting or plasma. In one hour I make more than 100 leaves.
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