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I Forge Iron

Al's Available

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Everything posted by Al's Available

  1. Thanks Steve! That's about exactly the plan. Never occurred to me that the mounting holes weren't factory. Was going to Timber Lok through them making sure not to over torque into a walnut chunk that hasn't become firewood yet. Diameter works, heads should seat fairly well. Would you recommend not using them? Thanks for clearing that up for me Mr. Powers! Gave me a few more search topics. Carpenter by trade, really starting from scratch on a lot of the metallurgy and the like.
  2. New Member. Thought I'd kill two birds, say hello and give some info on the anvil I ended up with so it's available to anyone who might find it useful. Really appreciate the wealth of knowledge on the site! I haven't had a question yet that I couldn't find a relevant discussion about and being "Rigidizer drying as I type" green there's been a lot. Looking forward to progressing and hopefully being able to contribute. I have every intention of using this little guy as is to it's fullest and would appreciate any input especially in regards to the repairs, (I wouldn't hit that with anything harder than your purse,etc). I don't have any history on the anvil itself. The gentleman I bought it off had a shed full of anvils and chuckled when I asked if he did any blacksmithing himself. Just buys and sells... . Sorry If the picture quality isn't great. I assume it once had a pritchel hole and suffered a pretty substantial failure there and was filled in with the weld? Marked "Fisher" on the front of the base. With a proud "9" above it. on the opposite side "1887" with "3 11" under it. Possibly some well worn markings below that I can't make out. Weighs in at 85 lbs. Stands 9 5/8" tall, 17 3/8" horn to heel, face is 3 1/4"x 11". Foot profile is 9 x 8 1/2 and a 3/4" hardie hole pretty well rounded, might have started 5/8"?. Rebound is at about 75% with the rust still on(1" ball bearing). No ring to speak of as I've read is normal for Fishers, "city anvil". The welds are not as hard as the face which I hope Is a good thing meaning the temper wasn't messed with? Hopefully I uploaded the pictures right. Thanks for looking. Alex
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