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I Forge Iron

new guy

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Everything posted by new guy

  1. thank you all for the help on this i will probably use the 55 forge or go for a sand and concrete lined hole in the ground.
  2. i want to make a homemade forge on the cheap so i can make tools for me and my son. obviously i cannot get a weber grill hot enough and i don't feel safe using a galvanized garbage can. so how can a start a forge with cheap materials? :confused:
  3. what is a good way to make a homemade forge on the cheap?
  4. that is very interesting. hopefully the chisel i made will keep my son busy so i can have time to make him a mini axe out of something else.
  5. um that is bad for me and i certainly think that i might go with another idea then. something that won''t kill me if i use it.
  6. just a thought what the heck happens to the galvanizing on the can if it gets too hot?
  7. i am using charcoal in a weber grill right now but once i get my homemade forge going ill still use charcoal ill try too include the chisel i made today bet have not put a handle on yet. and i meant to have a bend in it.
  8. i have about 4-5 inches of sand and 1/2 in of concrete on the inside, although personally i don't think i will get a fire hot enough to melt the can.
  9. i did try today but the steel did not get hot enough (it was only red hot) and i will try again tommorow in my brand new improvised forge (an insulated metal garbage can with a pipe to blow air in with).
  10. i am making an axe head out of copper and taking 2 1/8 in steel rods and making those into a large steel lump. then i wil try to heat them both up really hot and hammering them toghether into one solid axe head. i would like to note this is my first tool i am making from scratch so, this project will be butchered or it will work ok.
  11. i want to make a mini axe for my son for making tinder or some small carving things. can i put a steel edge on a copper axe head? is it possible or am i dreaming?
  12. try copying one of you favorite axes. it is working for me (i am using an old axe head to make a new one). good luck.
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