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I Forge Iron

Les L

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Posts posted by Les L

  1. Thomas, it sounds like your retirement is going about the same as mine. The first month I threatened to change my name to “ I need “ because every time I answered my phone that’s the first thing I heard. Two years down the road and I’ve only completed about 1/4 of the projects that I had put off for retirement, I’m not complaining, because it sure beats showing up every morning to a place that doesn’t appreciate your work and I don’t hear any complaints when I say “not today, but it’s on the list and I’ll get to it when I can”

  2. Trooves, think of walking into a room full of your grandfathers (no matter the age of the smith) and everyone wanting to help you, just make sure you wear proper clothes, footwear, safety glasses if you get close to a forge, listen to advice and be polite. 
    At our club meeting last week a 70 yr old smith worked with a 12yr old, that joined our club three months ago, and at the end of the day he said he hasn’t had that much fun in the last 20 years, but the young man met all of the conditions I listed for you 

  3. 23 hours ago, Donniev said:

    there's a few things I could have done 


    great job on the coat hanger, the only thing I would consider/recommend changing would be changing the screws to something that looks likes the rivets you have on the frame and add some texture to the frame.  I think the slick finish on the steel and the screws take away from the great work you did on the project and makes it look like some of that “hand made stuff” you can get from a store  


  4. I was able to acquire a 88 bronco a few years back, that had been sitting for about 16 years, the engine was froze up, I couldn’t turn it over with a 3 ft cheater on the crank. I was familiar with the 50/50 ATF acetone mix, but used Marvel mastery oil instead because I could get a gallon for less than 2qts of atf. I filled the cylinders with the mix, let it sit for a week then turned the engine over with a 12 inch ratchet. 30,000 miles later and no problems yet, worked great and saved money 

  5. I’ve purchased several items from online and and always had excellent customer service, including getting calls from them to discuss the most inexpensive way to ship items In order to save me money. Definitely a customer oriented business.

    My only complaint, I stayed I a cabin about 10 miles from their business while on vacation last fall and didn’t realize it until I ordered something this spring and saw the address. I feel like a big dummy every time I think about it. 

    I have a set of those drifts, I smoothed mine off with a 60 grit flap disk using light pressure and they work great 

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