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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by sfeile

  1. Makes absolute sense Frosty. Thanks. I had the whole thing drawn down to a little over an 1/8 of an inch, but it was definitely my inexperience that got me. Left it in too long or cranked the blower a bit too much..... Something.... I just have trouble at this point knowing/judging how long something takes to heat in coal. Probably also a bit of not knowing the best/most efficient way to keep my fire somewhat consistent. I need a lot more practice that's for sure.

    I think I just need to step back, slow down, and do a bunch of hooks or something like that to just get the feel of working with the coal instead of being a little cocky and in a rush just because I managed a few blade shaped objects with gas. Plus just practicing the basics experience of doing that won't hurt me at all either.

    But that is definitely a good reminder to keep in my mental notebook. Now if I can just remember what page it's on......... :unsure:

  2. I have a dirt floor in my shop, but I had a piece of plywood leftover from some remodeling in my house. It needed a home, so I just dropped it down to stand on. The few times I've dropped something on it, it gives a small flame until you pick it up and then it's nothing but a scorch mark. Like JAV said, just a little common sense and you should be just fine.

  3. I've used peanut butter a few times. That keeps her busy a little longer. She's funny in that her treats sit on top of our freezer. You can go to the freezer, walk by it, get the regular food off of it, and she doesn't care. You pick up that treat container and it doesn't matter where in the house she was, she is at your feet.

    Cats.... I'll just say that I'm not a cat person and leave it at that. Just not for me.

    I'm sure Ginger wouldn't have any issue with you playing with her. Any excuse to run around or be the center of attention is fine with her haha. She will instigate it if you aren't paying enough attention to her or if she's bored. Pull rope in her mouth and paw raised to get your attention is a common sight.

  4. 44 minutes ago, jlpservicesinc said:

    sfeile nice work indeed.. I had thought they were for making brooms and cutting all the strands to the same length..   Now I know..   Nice work.. 

    Thank you!

    31 minutes ago, BIGGUNDOCTOR said:

    OK, that helps a lot. I was thinking these were for cutting tobacco leaves, not plugs.


    They seem to be listed as either a leaf or plug cutter when I was searching for references. I believe his intention is to use it more for plugs from our discussions. Hopefully it will work ok for either haha. 

  5. 59 minutes ago, BIGGUNDOCTOR said:

    Would a thin kerf under the blade help in making a full cut and help eliminate connecting fibers? Or does it wear in after awhile on its own?

    That question makes sense, but I can't give you an honest knowledgeable answer.

    The only two I have seen in person were a different "industrial" type and did have a pocket the blade rested in. The base was cast (or at least appeared to be) so the pocket made more of a scissor effect since the blade recessed a little bit.


    This one was based off of photos of a similar design with the wooden board. In the photos I referenced the board had marks under the blade from use, so I am assuming that it wears itself in after a bit. Neither myself or the gentleman it is going to have ever actually used one, so we are both pretty new to the concept and just going from photos.

    He is going to give me feedback on how well it works (or doesn't for that matter) so if I make another I can adjust things as needed.

    (Photos I referenced for the one I made.)



  6. She is ridiculously fast and has to sniff everything. Although once she has sniffed it all she loves just lying in the sun watching everything.

    She actually listens quite well and doesn't bark and yip constantly which surprised me for a little dog. Usually you can't shut them up. She is very smart too. Used to be a good way to keep her occupied was to put a treat in one of those kong toys. Not anymore.... She has figured out she can throw it to break up the treat and then get it out easier.

    I was hesitant to take her at first. Little dog... rescue... single owner who left her crated all day then tried to spoil her with treats the whole time they did spend with her.... But overall she turned out to be a great dog. Took a bit to break her from expecting a treat or food every time she came out of the crate, but she learned fast.

    We still have her crate, but she is comfortable there. She has a bed in there and she will often just go lie there. It's her little spot she was used to, so we didn't try to take it from her so we weren't changing everything on her when we got her. She has another bed by the couch, and she likes to lie on the back of the couch too (if she's not in your lap), but she still has her own "room" when she wants it.

    She will do anything except sit still for a treat though haha. And she likes to "box". I'll put my hands up and she will stand up and start waving her paws.

  7. Very nice Steve. I have enough struggle with a straight blade shaped object, I can't imagine doing a nice even pair of bevels on a wavy piece. And it looks like the pattern was started at the spine and worked out towards the edges too. Adds a very nice visual.

    I have a question about it though. Is the tang welded on? Or is that just a trick of the light in the photo?  I can't make out if that is a weld, shadows, or the etching right at the junction of the blade and tang.

  8. Finally have gotten off my rear end and have something to show from my meager little shop. I got the tobacco cutter finished that I had been working on. Works pretty well on a phonebook, so I'm guessing it will work well on tobacco also.

    It's forged from leaf spring, canola oil quenched, two cycles of tempering, chisel ground, and all the wood is maple. Handle is finished with clear coat and the board is finished in food grade cutting board oil.

    I still need to insert some nylon bushings between the blade and post, then I will trim the screw flush with the post.





  9. I haven't commented, but I have been watching. Absolutely amazing work and it was great seeing your progress as you went. Way way beyond my skill level for sure, and I am extremely impressed with your abilities. Look forward to seeing your next project!

  10. Had a pretty good haul today. Got around 300 pounds of soft coal. All that cost me was the $26 for the two cans to hold it in. Some more brass rod for handle pins and another pack of buffing compound. Some steel to make a rest for my new grinder attachment. And some maple and walnut wood for handle materials and whatever.






  11. Thank you both for the info. That's pretty much what I ended up doing. I tried to build a small fire just with the intent of trying it out for the first time. I ended up filling most of it to get a good spot for the fire and work.

    I think I was burning off enough to make coke. I waited until it didn't look "tarry" anymore and the thick greenish smoke was no longer coming off of it. Then I started my work piece. Once the outer edges were looking the same, I would pull those in to add to the fire, while pulling some more from the outside to replace that on the edges.

    Hopefully I was doing it properly. I was just impressed I got it lit and a hot spot in the middle haha.

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