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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Quang0

  1. G'day Rob, It was auctioned last Sunday, it met and passed the reserve bid, so I'm very happy to have donated it to the cause. Glad you like(d) it! Cheers, Paul
  2. That's actually one of the smallest sizes I do. They're mostly up around 300-450mm (12"-18") when finished, so I don't mind the little ones too much. Paul
  3. Thanks for the comments guys, Frosty, there's a solid days hammering in it, then a few hours finishing of and fitting up, it's quicker if I production line them (ie. forge a half dozen at a time, then do the dressing and fitting another day) but this was a special for the bushfire relief. Cheers, Paul
  4. Well it can be cold formed, but not by me with a hand hammer, that's for sure. Believe me on this one BH, it moves a LOT easier if you heat it up. The copper is done hot too, since that was a piece of 6mm (1/4") copper cable it was too hard to do without annealing. I did make the rivets cold, though they were from soft wire. Thanks, Paul
  5. Hi Guys, Here's the latest bowl I have made, it's from 10mm (3/8") MS plate and is 160mm (6 1/4") dia. All hand beaten, sunken into a wooden block, then raised on a ball-stake. I donated it to be auctioned at a local festival to raise money for the bushfire recovery efforts. Hope you like it. Cheers, Paul
  6. Nearly forgot to mention the interviews I did this week... I did a live cross on BBC 5 Live's program Up All Night with Rhod Sharp (BBC iPlayer - Up All Night: 19/03/2009) and got a good plug in for IFI. You need to skip through to about 3h20min in to hear my 5 minutes of fame, but it was good to get a bit more media coverage. I also did a TV interview for Southern Cross Ten's program State Focus with Peta Burton, which will go to air all across regional Victoria this coming Sunday morning, so keep your eyes peeled for that one. Cheers, Paul
  7. Saturday wasn't the only day that Strine was belting out leaves, I managed to get him and a couple of other ABA(Vic) guys along to the Hildebrand Festival on Sunday, where we made not only a lot of leaves, but put a lot of smiles on peoples faces once they heard about what we were doing and heard the ringing of the anvil. I hope I didn't wear them out, as it looks like we're going to be busy little beavers for the next few months making leaves. Cheers, Paul
  8. Thanks guys, the winner seems to be TIG with silicon bronze wire, so that's what I'll do (if and when) it comes down to it. Cheers, Paul
  9. G'day Frank, Like Salty said, the details can be found on The Tree Project website, and if you have any further questions, just shoot me an email, I'd be more than happy to help. My contact details are all over the website. Thanks, Paul
  10. I still think the PW's are the best anvil you can get dollar for dollar (here in Aus anyway), so good score I say. Yours looks to have had a few years in the service of a right-handed smith who made a lot of chisels! Cheers, Paul
  11. That's a Soderfors Bruks, Falun, Sweden. I've got one a little larger, 131 pounds, it was the second anvil I ever bought. Used it twice, loaned it to my father 15 years ago and now I just get visiting rights! Good hunk of steel though. Cheers, Paul
  12. The ark is going to have to wait I'm afraid. As for NBC, well I'm game, so if anyone out there knows anyone, please let them know I'm ready and waiting! Cheers, Paul
  13. G'day Doug, I've never once been able to hammer in time with another 'smith for longer than 3 blows in a row, but i agree if we could amalgamate the sound of hammers pounding for the tree project it certainly would be a deafening roar! Re the 774 tonight- You have to promise not to use that interview in evidence against me at some point in the future! On another note, I received a phone call from a journalist from the BBC in London, and I'll be doing an interview with them tomorrow! So stay tuned for details of that one. Cheers, Paul
  14. G'day Bully, We're still deciding on the best method of producing the trunk and main branches- forged stainless, investment cast stainless or investment cast bronze, so it's difficult to say for that part right now. What we do need is smaller size bar stock to make the branches and leaves. Anything from 50mm to 3mm really. Preferrably 304. As for quantity, well the more the merrier is what I'm thinking. Depending on the size of the leaf and the stock, you need somewhere between 50mm and 150mm to forge a leaf and SS is usually sold in 4m lengths. Now we need somewhere around 2000 leaves, so either get the calculator out, or just get as much as you can! And yes, you are right, if you never ask, you'll never know. Thanks, Paul
  15. G'day Richard, Right now, I'm holding around 50 leaves that have been made by various 'smiths. The only international ones I have received thus far are yours, so thanks very much. I have seen evidence of many more and heard of even more yet, so I await the flood. Cheers, Paul
  16. Thanks Thomas, When I asked what's the best process, I meant which welding process mig/tig/oxy would give the best/strongest result. The reason I am enquiring is because of the tree project, we are considering having the trunk and some branches cast in bronze so we can include the names of those who perished in the fires in the tree itself. Cheers, Paul
  17. Does anyone know if it is possible to weld stainless steel to bronze? Has anyone done it that can offer advice/hints/tips/tricks? What's the best process? Are there any hazards I need to be aware of? Thanks, Paul
  18. Excellent work Gaylan, remember to post some photos if you can so I can add you to The Tree Project leaf gallery for all to see! Cheers, Paul
  19. Oh, and for all those that think they can't do it, think again. I had two more non-blacksmiths come over to my workshop yesterday and forge stainless steel leaves. One of the guys is in our local CFA and is spreading the word about the project to all he knows. Both of the guys were absolutely wrapped to be able to contribute to the project, and completely blown away by everyones generosity in contributing to the project. I'll be putting pictures of their leaves up on The Tree Project website tomorrow, so go and check them out. Cheers, Paul
  20. Beautiful work Doug, and I'd expect nothing less from you! And I agree whole heartedly with your sentiments, and also that we can't stop now. So here's a couple more from me, this time in copper. You can take it from me, it's a lot easier on the arms that's for sure. So I expect 3 times as many from everyone now!. Seriously though, thanks to everyone who has contributed, and as Doug says, thanks in advance for those that haven't yet been made and sent. Cheers, Paul
  21. Thanks Frosty, I do a bit of repouss
  22. This is a little off topic, but I'll ask anyway... What is the forging (temp/colour) range for copper? Paul
  23. G'day Everyone, Please note the NEW postal address for The Tree Project. You should now send your completed lease to us at: The Tree Project c/- Sefiira Forge PO Box 542 Hurstbridge VIC, Australia, 3099 Cheers, Paul
  24. Just picked up the second bunch of leaves from the post. Thanks to Ian R for his fantastic efforts. Very much appreciated.
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