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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by ryancrowe92

  1. ok what is wrong with it is that it is hard to get coals out i dont have a proper pipe having to use anvil to keep pipe up but thats not working so as trent said a vertical blast is superior to a side shaft and it dosent blow coals everywhere  im looking online and amazon has he cheapest prices around. Purgatory ironworks forges part 5 

  2. Actually I get $73 a week now I have to spend that on gas and whatever else I need  so I'm usually saving for weeks at a time until I have money for something. And I spent $8 on a heat gun

    To be clear I had a forge but I know this one will work.

    Im short on money because of this coal 

    So I'm gonna power down now and see you guy later many Thursday

  3. Ok hold up.  

    1. This is not a personal blog though it may seem that way like I said I have school and wait for income.

    2. I do look at your avice and i carefully look at it though I may not listen to all of it I do listen to most of if.

    3. sometimes I might be able to respond in a minute some times not for a couple of days.

    And thought I may come off as a xxxxx or something like that it's just that I've never really been good at Internet forum boards people on there are way different than people down here. 

    Now the reason I decided to makeanother forge is because I can get the rotors cheap and i can make 2 of them one for my brother. 

    Now for the personal stuff. We just watched a video in anatomy about prefrontal and transorbital lobotomy. I also have to go to Greenville to meet with my neurologist about something that isn't a lobotomy. I also am going to Seneca and pickup my coal. 

    Now if i have any money left over after that because I have to borrow $50 from my grandma to get it until payday. I'm going to the junkyard to see if he has an old rotor or two.

    Now get this my brother is coming over next week on Thursday we get out Tuesday and staying four days. I also have to get some stuff like pipe and tee and a flange and I have a old lawnmower I can use the deck. Fun with my brother.

    My bedframe broke last night so I had to sleep on the floor so I have welding to do when I get home today.

    This is getting very long and my phone is low. So I'm looking at what y'all are telling me and what I can see that needs to be done. 

    So have a good day 

  4. Good Monday morning everyone well I finally found out when the coal is coming about Tuesday or Wednesday but I won't be able to pick it up until Friday. Spent a little too much money on harbor freight and Lowes but not too much I'm out about $20 

    But I'm going to build the brake rotor forge because I think I can do it for free just need the rotor and some pipe which I can find. Giving the other one to my brother 

    I think I know what was wrong with the forge I built it's a side shaft and i think it's not getting heat because the pipe is directly in the fire heating up and melting the gun. 

    With that out of the way I found out where to get the metal at for making stuff and welding at tsc but they don't have an assortment of steel like o1 or 1045. 

    Well have a good day 


  5. ok question my metal pipe is also getting hot, now its hot enough to melt the gun and I'm going to bypass the heating element in the thing and I cant use my grandma's hair dryer that's why I bought the heat gun and I have another one that I'm reverse engineering to take out the heat element. now hopefully I can pick up my coal this week by Saturday at the latest I still don't know yet, I got to check my cash too. now some time I promise to put up pictures but I just keep forgetting.

    so have a good Thursday

  6. Ok Bad News everybody this thread is going to stay open a little longer. Ok so here's what went down this weekend.

    Well I didn't get the coal this week it will be around this Friday or Saturday when it will be in. well I went to pick my brother up Friday afterschool I had to go to the welding shop I bought a special wrench for welding, a few hose fittings and the tank of oxygen so the torch is now back in action. After that I picked my brother up and we stop by Lowe's for some wire and then I headed to harbor freight and I bought another welding helmet for my brother to use when he's over, I got a reciprocating saw and it was a good $20 well spent I bought a new heat gun that I'm gonna take back and replace because I melted it again I need a good air source that isn't overpowered and I got some vise grips.

    now for the big bad news 

    The forge needs work to be done the pipe I got, got red hot from being in the fire before melting the heat gun

    does anybody have a way to keep things from going back thru the pipe If I make it a vertical shaft because the pipe is a little to big.

    but there is good news I got one good heat on the rebar and was able to shape it a little more but it still bends but I think I can fix that In the vise or on the horn of the anvil when I go to shape the thing.

    so with that out of the way I'm gonna say I got to do some work outside today and clean out the forge and find a new air source that wont melt.

  7. 16 hours ago, ThomasPowers said:

    Subsistence; can work very well (A Country Boy Can Survive!)

    Yes we can survive we can fid a way but to all of you like my dad said if you get a job shoveling manure do a good job on it.

    Any way back to black smithing I didn't get the pics cause I was helping my uncle in law get a generator in the shop. So pics will be up today meanwhile I am going to research diebeties for anatomy

  8. anyway that was partially a joke really I'm just trying to make a living this place I live is full of people who have farms and who need help when the hay needs baling and stuff like that and I can make money off of blacksmithing. really its just making money. really I would love to just sit at home an blacksmith all day because I like working with hot metal but I cant well I could if I had enough business then I would consider opening up a shop. 

  9. Well thing is I own my own home speaking of next September it will be completely paid off and  I have a couple of places that will be mine or my brother's 

    And as long as I can keep the power and water I'm good plus I'll have my brother to help so that's good 

  10. yeah my brother wants to start on the katana but wants to use the Damascus and I've been watching a lot of videos on how it was done but I've decided to order three different types of steels I need a Hard steel for the edge and the Tomohagane which was the bloom steel has been stacked like Damascus and forge welded but then inserted a more softer steel to get the cross sections.  but making the billet is one thing I do not understand if the sword is made entirely of bloom steel then how did the man at arms guys get the billet they used for stacking the tiles and how did they get the tiles straight. but I did learn why they put the bar of the shingane in the jacket from the tomohagane. for the hard edge and soft spine.

    and I need a better anvil I got a 65lbs cast ion form harbor freight and with that it wasn't as bad as people claimed them to be though I have done little work on it. 

    Awe me kill bill katana and Wikipedia

    I'm learning new terms and the way they explain it are kind of sketchy and not very explanatory or detailed

    with that I'm gonna break for lunch in 20 minutes

  11. You know I really don't know my self one day during middle school they said something about getting me an IEP and something or another but I do have autism but I rarely get any effects from it because its just more of a label to me than to someone else. I get extra time on test and the Tutorial lab and other accommodations like small group testing etc. I do take medicine for ADHD and Seizures that was kind of new I haven had one in over 2 years but without the ADHD I'm more calm and less likely to do crazy things. my brothers the same way but he still does them

    by the way I am kind of putting the bloom on hold I just wanted to know where to get the iron to make it.

  12. Ok guys back on business. The Forge is nearing completion one or two more layers of dirt or mud should dot it. I got the truck bed mostly cleaned out still mud in the back and got to get it ready to go to Seneca this weekend when I go to pick up my brother, the coal if its in, to the welding store for the oxygen, to Lowe's for some 2 gauge cable I've been meaning to get and to harbor freight for a hose and some other stuff. When all of that is done I'm gonna start me a fire and finish the tongs if I can find something to use to hold on to them and once that's all good what jaws should I make because I'm gonna be using mostly bar stock and plate metal. with that out of the way if I finish them that will be the end of this thread and starting on another one or two, one for the setup on the shop and the other for power hammer plan but it should all go down good.

    Now for the iron I believe that @ThomasPowers said that I need to find a geology Department well I looked it up and all I got was collage programs. I have heard that in north Carolina their is a whole mountain of it I don't know where exactly but that being said I need a lot of it to produce a good solid block of Bloom Steel for use in making swords, knives, etc.

    Now back to other things I have to clean up the shop not butts about it its a mess I have been putting it off for a long time now and this weekend is the time to do it I got a chainsaw electric and corded and I'm gonna have to cut the old table from the wall and its gonna get burned. and I'm running very low on table space I'm latterly craving for table space. I got some 4x4 to use as well as some 2x4's. The wood in the floor has to go on the shelf where it belongs I have a hole to patch up with plywood the floor is dirt and cover with saw dust. at some point when the building is not a fire hazard I can  move the forge and everything in the shop but that's a long way from now. with that said when I get home I'm gonna upload some pics of the work I have been doing. So I can get some feedback and some on the shop the main problem is the lack of material storage and table space plus the dirt floor. well with that out of the way I'm gonna wrap this up


  13. that was the most positive and funny thing I've heard  and their are a lot of jobs around here its just the high school god requirement. I've been looking at the system for a while now and I just do see it their is nothing I can legally do and its not make up work I have to do is class work that I didn't get finished with so it doesn't become home work time but to her its the insane test time which is what I've dub it since the questions are the exact same. and yeah the chainsaws really help with the anger management. I'm getting rid of the IEP which is where I get my free time but it has to be replaced by another class. and that's how I'm gonna beat the system but yeah I'm gonna do something about it and you got it right about the repressive regime part its like North Korea. The food is terrible and you hardly get anything and your lucky if you have time or if you can find a seat. and with that I'm gonna say that over the weekend me and my brother are going to have a party and come up with a power hammer plan. so it has been announced also.  Have any of you made bloom steel because that's one thing my brother wants to do so do you know where you can get the iron ore.

    and with that encouragement I might not loose my sanity before the weekend

  14. Quote

    get er done

    now that's funny.

    but look at this the whole world is now being built around having a collage education that cost thousands of dollars and higher education is something you should peruse because of your passion for your hobby. it should not be a requirement because it not right because if you have a diploma you should be able to do most basic work and you guys have been in school now well all enjoy this hobby of working with metal its always been a part of me but we like doing stuff I get to school the first thing I'm behind a table or desk doing virtually nothing of any meaning to get 24 credits to graduate. then at second block I'm getting chew out every day because someone wants to make tutorial lab another class which it isn't supposed to be its for me to make up my work. and I have 3 hours for a break period which I'm bored out of my mind trying to occupy my self with whatever is entertaining at the time third and fourth block aren't that bad except the 15 minutes at the end that take for an eternity to get to. I don't know about you but I cant stand being put behind a desk for hours on end doing nothing. and I do have that attitude towards working not school work. and like I've said I've been going to school for the past 11-12 years but I don't know anymore Its like being stuck at a job you don't like for eternity and I don't even make any money. they teach me no skills pertaining to the outside world I've learned more from my dropout dad than I have the school. I don't know its just tiresome, boring, exhausting, and all of the above. if it was up to me I would be working for money right now because I always work and do a good job. and the teacher have got to be one of the most disrespectful except a handful of them that are actually respectable. one in particular is disrespectful of my opinions on what I should be doing to get my work done and how others do. and I'm tired of doing the same thing 8-315 and I just want it to end I have had testing every week which asks literally the same questions every week no change don't know what they are doing but I really don't care any more and I'm just ranting on so time to get back to blacksmithing so I can take my mind off all of this.

  15. well high school is not for everyone I'm held against my will to be here because they want to ensure their replacements for the future. ok look at it this way they send you to school at age 5 and by the time you are in 5th grade your about 12 or 13 now we learned pre algebra now why cant we learn every thing we need to know then because I've done the math and it has come to over 10,000 hours I've spent at school 7 hours a day since 2006 for 180 a year for 13 years its over a year of time and the crap I have to put up with. teachers think that they are all high and mighty because they went to collage now I understand and respect their experience in the field but that does not mean one is better than the other higher education is becoming sort of a problem even factory job that were dominated by dropouts back in the day are now requiring higher education and that's why I'm taking up blacksmithing so I can live of shooing horses for a living. and maybe a part time job.

    hold on my mistake  I made a wrong figure its 16,000 approx. and that converts to 1.82 years

    well I'm breaking for lunch see you in 3rd block

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