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Posts posted by Woody

  1. Jr. My prayers are with both you and Cookie. God Bless and keep both of you. Candy went through a similar episode, the Pulmonologist was prescribing meds and also the Cardiologist was prescribing meds. Neither was looking at what the other was doing. Make sure someone that knows takes a look at all the meds Cookie is taking and be sure that they all interact well with one another. The steroids will cause an increase in blood sugar levels. Be sure they keep an eye on that whenever the prescribe them.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to both of you.

  2. This s the latest update from Niki, Ainslee's mom. Ainslee is doing good and should be released sometime today.

    Posted 6 minutes ago
    Hi. Jay brought my plug, so I FINALLY have access! :0) We are still in the hospital. We will be here awhile longer. Ainslee isn't very happy & she's in & out of it. We had an xray & nuclear lung profusion scan this morning. She finally got to eat. After 36 hrs of not eating, she wanted chick-fil-a from downstairs, so her grandad went & got it for her. And she ate it! So maybe that will help perk her up a bit. They were in & out of here all night, so we slept from 5 till 7. They took off her leg compresses about 3 & the poke this morning was really the only time she REALLY cried & put up a fight.
    I was so tired last night I forgot to tell you they did get the stint in. Her heart anatomy is so complicated it was difficult, but they got it in. Her lpa had gone from 4mm to 3mm so they put the stint in & then they ballooned it, stretching it to 9mm! PRAISES! Not sure if it will stay that size, but we are hoping & praying! Dr. Petit spent a lot of time with Jay & I last night explaining things & drawing it all out. She was in there for almost 6 hrs & did AWESOME! She tolerated it very well. So thank you for all the prayers on that. We got to our step-down monitored room around 11:30 last night & when we were in recovery & she was crying crying, Slade tried to crawl in bed next to her. It was so sweet. I know I was going to tell you more, but I can't think of it all right now.
    We put up her banner from her class & she liked that when she woke up this morning. She received a couple of msgs & has enjoyed those. The FBI (the REAL FBI Houston division) came around singing Christmas carols this morning & came in & gave her an official FBI hat & showed her that they had arrested the Grinch! We took a pic with my phone, my camera batteries went dead when they got in here! Figures! Anyway, I got a couple! We told her the FBI does all the important stuff like finding missing kids & such things & she said "like arresting the Grinch" which was the most Ainslee thing she had said since yesterday. :0)
    We will probably be here a while today, hopefully back to the hotel this afternoon/evening. I will let you know.
    Love to you all,
    PS New pics coming too.

  3. I just got an update from Niki: Ainslee was in surgery for almost 6 hours, they had difficulty getting the stint in because the anatomy of her heart is so messed up but the got it done. She is out and awake now and should be up in the cardiac unit in a bit. Tomorrow they will do a lung profusion test to see how well things went.

    On Behalf of Niki, Jamie, Slade and Ainslee, I thank you all for your prayers.

  4. Ainslee is back in Houston Children's Hospital and is undergoing a procedure today to put a Angioplasty to further open up the artery they grafted to her lung last year and the installation of a stint to keep the artery open. Please remember Anislee, her Mom Nikki, her Dad Jay and her brother Slade in your prayers.

  5. The following is an excerpt from "Metallurgy of Steel for Bladesmiths & Others who Heat Treat and Forge Steel"
    John D. Verhoeven Emeritus Professor Iowa State University March 2005

    When heat treating to form martensite, toughness is also enhanced by fine grained
    austenite because it results in a finer lath or plate size in the martensite. Again the same
    ideas apply. Rapid heating and repeated cycling produce smaller martensite
    microstructures. Grange [8.3] has presented a study showing the beneficial effect of
    small austenite grain size on the mechanical properties of 8640 steel. He achieved grain
    sizes in the ultrafine range of ASTM No. 13 to 15 by a 4 cycle process where the steel
    was austenitized in molten lead for around 10 s, cooled to room temperature, cold worked and then cycled again. A series of similar experiments was performed here on 3 steels to examine the effectiveness of thermal cycling alone, no cold working was employed. The steels were heated by immersion in a salt pot. Initially the steels were austenitized for 15 min. at 1650 oF and oil quenched in rapidly stirred oil. Then the steels were given 3 thermal cycles consisting of a 4 minute austenitization in 1450 oF salt and a quench in rapidly stirred oil. The grain sizes were measured with the same technique described by Grange [8.3] and the ASTM numbers before and after the 3 cycle treatment are given in Table 8.2. It is seen that ultrafine grain sizes were obtained. Figure 8.5 presents photomicrographs of the martensite structures found in the 1086 steel before and after the cycling. The composition of this steel is in the range where we expect the martensite to be a mixture of lath and plate morphologies, and in the uncycled coarser grained sample Fig. 8.5 (A), one can see dark plates in a matrix of
    the lath structure. However, in the finer grained austenite produced by thermal cycling, Fig. 7(B), the martensite structure is clearly finer and the plates are not easily identified.

    Table 8.2 ASTM grain size no. of austenite before
    and after the 3 cycle treatment done here.
    Steel ASTM Number Initial After cycling
    1045 9 14
    1086 11 15
    5150 8.5 14

  6. I have a chart showing the analysis of some of the more common "knife steels" and heat treating information on some of them if you are interested, send me your email address via the message function here and I will email it to you.

  7. Chris, send me a message with your email address and I will send you a bunch of material I have gathered over the years on various knife steels, it also contains a pretty good junkyard steel list. Old springs are good knife stock but keep in mind that when the junkyard steel list says they are a particular steel, that means when the list was made they were that kind of steel so it is a bit of a crap shoot as Steve said. I have had a few knives and a couple swords break after hardening but I am thinking it was more likely a flaw the smith that caused the problem rather than a flaw in the steel. It is easy to stress crack the steel by working it too cold. this site will give you some good information on proper forging temperatures for various steels. Click on Property data at the top left and then on the type of steel for instance tool steels to birng up a list of tool steels, then clck on the particular steel you want info on. Principal Metals Good Luck

  8. I took 4 Craftsman electric tools back to Sears a while back to see about getting them repaired. They said they would have to send them to their repair facility in TN or KY or someplace over that way and quoted me prices for repairs that were more than their new tool prices and when I walked away they offered to throw the tools away for me. I still have a couple Craftsman power tools left but as they die I will replace them with much better stuff.

  9. I just got this from Vickki, she is undergoing surgery today and an experimental procedure in her courageous fight against Cancer, please remember her in your prayers.

    "Dear friends, just to ask your prayers today - I am having surgery in
    several hours - they will be cryoablating tumor to the left pelvic bone and
    soft-tissue area. Plan to be in the hospital one night. Sort of
    experimental. Planning on superior results. Please think positive
    thoughts - and appreciate all get well wishes - much love and light to all
    of you, Victoria"

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