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I Forge Iron

51 Papy

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Posts posted by 51 Papy

  1. Never had a forge hammer with an octagonal handle but had one on a 22 oz framing hammer.  Loved it, fell off the roof and cracked when it hit the concrete slab.  Never found a replacement . Might try one on the next hammer. 

  2. Always skeptical of things from the internet but... I saw a home brew made up of 450 ml muriatic acid used to devolve one pad of steel wool overnight.  Next day 1 qt of hydrogen peroxide was added slowly.  Let the reaction die down and use.  I got impatient and tried it.  It worked on a small billet of chain saw chain I made.  It does seem to have a short shelf life.  Has anyone else tried this or using a home brew?  How long will commercially made ferric chloride last?  And when etched how long does the contrast last.  I took the chain saw billet and made the wife a bracelet. I hardened it and etched.  She has worn it everyday for about 6 months (score for me) and the contrast is fading.  The etch still shows the different metals.  Fact of life or the wrong etchant?  I have not done any more pattern welded billets so I still have not tried the commercial ferric chloride.  Should I?


  3. LB

    Does your Grandmothers property have any standing dead Osage on it.  If so take a couple of chain saws and all the chains you can find and cut one down.  Don't bother to try and split, burn up a couple more chains and cut.  I don't ever pass up standing dead Osage.  Hammer handles, wooden hammers list goes on. Also beautiful knife scales.

    Good hunting!


  4. I was down at the river around a bridge that was just torn down and replaced.  I brought back several bolts (small) and the first one I tested is wrought iron.  I did a little research and found molasses takes 3 to 9 months.  How can I clean the rust and river crud off this bolt  a little faster than 9 months without damaging the bolts any more than they already are..  I rapped one on the vise and the half inch bolt went to about a quarter inch.  Electrolysis or vinegar or?  And yes this is my first wrought iron find.  



  5. Moisture really messes up the blasting system.  If you are going to recover the media it has to be dry.  Got some water from compressor into the tank it took a while to get it cleaned out and dry.  Water is great for cutting block and concrete. OSHA said they would start silica fines this month.  I have not heard of any fines but my customers are taking it very seriously. 


    The only way to use sand for blasting is to have a fresh air suit on.  It's just not worth it.  Coal Slag is about three times the price of sand but can be recovered and reused many times.  Our local sand is dust after the second use.  I'm watching my grandkids grow up now I really want to be around to see more!

  6. I built mine out of OSB to sand blast an old truck.  Everyone should do a body off restoration/resto-Rod ONCE!  The top was removable and the view window was an old storm door glass.  Lined with an old horse trailer mat.  Sand dumped out the bottom back into a bucket.  I used a HF dust collector and that worked well.  Both are still in action. Son-in-law enjoys working on cars and made a home for that blast cabinet.


    Please use any media EXCEPT sand!  Sand contains silica.  When sand fractures durning blasting the silica becomes airborn and will cause silicosis of the lungs.  Lots of law suits in my business.  I used coal slag, its sharper than our local river sand and reusable if you recover and screen.  The dust is cut down dramatically.  600 lbs did the whole truck.  This is a real health issue.  There is nothing anyone can do once you breath it in and your lungs can not clear it out.


    Sorry about the soap box!


  7. Another belt grinder build.  I'm working off plans but have come to a stop.  I'm not sure what to do next so I'm asking for oppinions. What are you guys/gals using, a spring or hydro cylinder?  I have read that springs bounce and I have replaced a lot of cylinders on tool boxes vans ect.  Not sure which direction to go.  I have not built the tension/tracking arm yet so it's wide open.  Thanks in advance for your oppinions!


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