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I Forge Iron

Forging Carver

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Posts posted by Forging Carver

  1. My dad gave me an old jack hammer bit the other day that I ground into a v shape for a slitter. All I need is to make a drift and I will be set. I found that I like the openers that start out with a thicker square stock then tapered to a thinner size for the opener better than starting with flat stock. To me it looks much better but is probably much more work. Thanks for the help everyone. Also that video helped me lots BlackFrog.

  2. On November 6, 2015 at 9:40:39 AM, Black Frog said:

    Someone asked me about the snake opener, and it seems my picture has gone missing from that post.  That'll teach me to trust uploading pics here instead of linking...  I'll try it again.  Anyway here's the last couple completed.  The round one was a custom order for a very repeat customer....

    op1.jpg         op2.jpg

    Is this your video on YouTube black frog?


  3. Alright thanks for the help. I wasn't sure if you could weld on the ground in that you would need to attach the ground cable to something which what I mostly see is the welding table. I plan on getting/making a new forge with a duct chimney first, then get a post vise, then get a welder. Thanks for the help

  4. Alright thanks. I don't think I am going to get a welder any time soon cause I will need a welding table and a decent face shield which I do not have the cash for at the moment and when I do get the cash I need it to make a new forge with chimney and get a post vise. A decent self darkening face shield is like 90 bucks and the table I suppose can be made with scrap. Thanks for the tips as they will come in good use in the near future.

  5. Alright thanks glenn and dsw. I never exactly said I wanted a welder yet, only that I wanted to get stuff welded from a welder. However if I do find a good welder at a good price, I figured why not pick it up if I got the cash. Thanks again

  6. Yeah I am definitely making a new forge after the holidays when I get some more cash. Should I make a pot with angled sides or will a rotor work the same? I do not have a welder, but there is some stuff I want to get welded so I will put that on the list if it makes a big difference. Also, what would you do frosty to use a rivet forge. Would you clay it up, and if so how? Thanks

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