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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by b4utoo

  1. ​Thank you. I will make sure I check. This was a swap meet find. Didn't even consider it. I will check the wheel that is on it aswell.
  2. Well all and all I do appreciate the responses. I think I will consider sending them in to a professional. So at least in this I won't inflict injury upon myself. If I get extra money soon. If I come up with or find another method, I will be sure to share it. Free :0)
  3. So Glenn can I retract my previous statement and say Knowledge should be shared
  4. I am in SoCal High Desert. Jeremy K ----- Knowledge should be free. Kinda feel like you expect your dog to beg to get fed mentality. But to each their own. I personally would answer any question if I had the time. How else will anyone learn. Seems you have some pent up anger towards some..no need to vent it here bud. Respond with a peaceful opening but with jabs through your statement. Maybe you should take care how you treat others too. Thanks though
  5. ​Well I don't want to play around with a press, I've no clue on the dangers. So if I go that route, I will definately send them to someone if the price is right.
  6. ​PRISON CELL COMMENT. Is actually exactly what I meant. A prison cage to keep all areas "protected" except the hand area. I don't see you're attitude on the matter being justified. But to each there own I guess...odd behavior. And people answering my questions are just a request, I value others input or I wouldn't be asking. I wish I had a fragment of some of these guys knowledge! And few extra words? For me I need things explained pretty much basic and to the point or I lose focus. And I don't want to take something out of context accidently. You seem truly confrontational today...but maybe I missed something? Prices here and pretty steep. On just about anything. Thank you though.
  7. ​Well "Why I want it" is for a power hammer. But when I mention this to people, they throw more cautions than solutions and different ideas of what to use etc... I want to TRY to build one, just to see if I can. If it works GREAT. If not, its ok. But the leaf springs is how I want to do it, since I already got them delivered for $60. Already. So it might sound controlling, but I'm asking what others have done to accomplish this. To simply it all. Thanks again for responding!
  8. I did discover a "Scrap Yard" in my area....guy is one of the bluejean millionaires or something. I picked up some diamond plate, regular plate, large channel, large angle, and a bunch of fire brick....yesterday for $100...Really nice guy. Says he has a old budden 250+ LB Anvil...Im fishing....Said I was interested. I got a email from a closing spring shop, said they have tongs, forges, and 5 large anvils for sale...still waiting on responce with pics and prices. Im in southern cal...if anyone is interested let me know. I don't normally like to share lol but with the closing shop, I might pass on what I hear back if anyone is interested. Hate for some collector to come around and make lawn art...if I can't afford what I hear.
  9. MICO FRACTURES always a risk. But I will be taking the risk. ITS THE BUILDING that is the main objective. But would love for it to be a well working machine.
  10. I plan on building a cage around it. A Caution. A unsure one. But one I can try.... I just hope I can find a SIMPLE solution to straighten, even if its only partial. Wouldn't heating alter the strength of its "intended use" COULD I PARK A TRUCK ON THEM OVER NIGHT? WOULD THIS STRAIGHTEN A BIT?
  11. Power hammer. But no guarantees it will be a working one, since this will be first attempt.
  12. I am sure this topic has been brought up before. I was hoping for a JUST ANSWER. Simple. In basic dumb wording. I HAVE FORD 350 LEAF SPRINGS. How can I straighten them without sending them out. I am limited. So please give me ways that have BEEN TRIED AND TRUE. AGAIN If you respond. Please no substitutions or why I want it lol That just gets off subject and I'll get confused. Seen alot of simliar questions and they kept getting off topic on this. AGAIN THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!!
  13. Well I have kinda unlimited supply of giftcards for homedepot and lowes so.. figured I would pick it up. Kinda pricey,but I got the extended warranty
  14. couldn't I just put them in the forge and smash some metal to it lol
  15. Any reason why I can't pick up old broken ended type tongs and adding to the ends of my choosing....
  16. I guess I will inlist family to help....love the comeback though!
  17. So I just fell for a good one....ugh! figures... I used to tell newbies in the military go get me 10 gallons of sailboat fuel and 100 feet of flight line...them were the days
  18. The vise was the most expensive at $5 or was it the machinist block....i forget...all in all I think I paid $25-35 for everything. Hard to remember...but the fun was in the looking. What ever I don't use I can sell later on...really liked the vise too.
  19. sorry for the rapid posts...but I consulted my friend google, and got a idea of what a 1 2 3 block is...The old guy (retired machinist) just gave me the block either he is showing me a kindness or because I've bought blocks from him 3 weeks in a row lol I figure I would turn the other blocks into hardies.... thought would be cheaper than buying them..
  20. My 1923 205lb fisher anvil is still my favorite score, but some of these hammers are growing on me....2-3 pound range ones...
  21. Fuller is the heller in picture #4 right?.....please, I won't get mad, so act like I am mentally ill and don't know what a striker is.... lol I am still learning names of things. And a 1 2 3 is a ? Dead blow, kinda cool name. As in it stops cold on striking right...?
  22. Figured I would share todays score before work. Not as large as last saturdays, but still pretty cool. Bell system pic#1 vaughn Pic#2 vaughn pic#3 heller 1 1/2 pic#4 craftsman vise pic #5 machinist blocks pic#10 not sure on one ball hammer... pic#8 says Maydox ball hammer pretty big... and a wierd red flatter type hammer that is disigned to have no recoil bounce..has counter weight inside. Anyone know what its for?
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