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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by windancer

  1. The wood will just absorb heat like crazy and take longer to heat steel. The refractory coating will help prevent that so the heat goes into the steel instead of the wood. I would move that priority right up to the top of my list. Just a little money, a little work and IMMEDIATE results.


  2. I have a couple of these still around. A TON of work. The coin you use is critical- have to use one that will have the lettering show when finished.


    There is no law against defacing US Currency. The laws about our currency deal with CHANGING the denomination to defraud someone. Our government would LOVE to have all out currency taken out of circulation so they could print more.


    Good job on the ring and on your patience!



  3. Depends on what you are buying it for.

    My first grinder was the 2x72 Grizzly. I sold enough knives built with that grinder to buy most all of the tools in my shop. I still use it most every day, even though I bought a KMG1 variable speed DC.

    A few years after I got the Grizzly I added a pillow block setup for variable speed. The grizzly stays set up with a wheel and the KMG1 with the platen.

    I bought 4 more of the Grizzly buffers that have that same 1 HP motor. Three are my buffers set up on a revolving table all set up with six different grits on the buffs. I keep the wheels covered with shower caps to prevent contamination between the grits. The fourth one powers my surface grinder.

    Would do it all over again, just the same way, too :)

    A lot of makers buy the more expensive brands of 2x72 and look down their noses at the Grizzly. Most who own one like and use them just fine.

    My .02 worth :)


  4. Got the saw torn down today and put on a new Lennox blade. Set the blade tension to the manual.

    Changed the belt speed and set the belt tension to the manual.

    Set the blade tracking to the manual.

    Set the blade guides to the manual.

    Set the blade bearing weight to the manual.

    Cleaned up the goop and grit.

    Will set the blade bearings to the manual in the morning and recheck that all is still to specs.

    One more try- the final one.

    Thanks to all for the suggestions.


  5. Well, broke another blade.

    These blades are not even well broken in when the break.

    I have owned many band-saws over my lifetime and never had this happen before.

    I am going to strip it completely down and start from scratch.

    I have worked my whole life with power tools. I am not hard on equipment- tools are expensive and I do not abuse them.

    The steps in the manual do not correct the problem.

    i hardly ever lose my temper but this saw is making me crazy.

    The 6 guides are all set just shy [couple thousandths] of touching the blade. The cuts are more than adequate and are square both directions.

    If this is still going on after my last try it will be gone.

    Any goofy, stupid or ludicrous ideas are more than welcome.


  6. Frosty I wish I had a dvd of one of his full demos, Get a couple more cards so you can film everything- you will be very glad you did. I realized after about 10 minutes that trying to take notes was making me miss things he was doing and saying :) I may have had that kind of energy 50 years ago but I don't think so...


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