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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by thisaw

  1. Just as soon as I get the forge together.
  2. I was working on one of our wells when one of the elderly neighbors stopped by. One thing led to another and he said that he had one of those things that a blacksmith used (making a circular motion with his hand.) Did I want to see it? (Need you ask?) He cranked it but it produced very little air. He said that it was his fathers but he would take ten dollars for it. I give you my word; I did not run over him when I took it to the truck. Removed the dirt daubers nests and straightened the blades, it blows’ like brand new.
  3. Ran across this and I thought that I'd pass it on: Anvil from 70 lbs. to over 400 lbs., 5 & 8" jaw post vise, 100lbs & 150lbs swege blocks Ads Too bad its not closer by.
  4. You might want to check out this video from Purgatory IronWorks: Firing up the Waste Oil Forge YouTube - Firing up the Waste Oil Forge
  5. I believe that you will find that different companies use different types of metal. On my mower when I use the brand of blades that came on it, I need to sharpen them before I finish cutting the yard. But blades from another supplier will cut the yard three or four times before they need sharpening. I’ve worn out several sets of both kinds, I don’t buy the brand name ones anymore. Tim
  6. One of the things that I am thankful for is this wonderful group of people who a willing to step up and share their knowledge and their time to help those of us who are just starting out. Thank you one and all. Tim
  7. Just my 2 cents. My Great Great Grandfather on my mother’s side was a smith. He kept a pot of coffee boiling on his forge and drank straight from the spout. We know where his shop was for he loved it so much that he made his family promise to burry him in it. The family did as he asked and it is now the family cemetery.
  8. I can’t be a BSaholic .. I haven’t built a fire or beat metal on an anvil… yet. OK so I’m in the process of building a shop and the forge and anvil are in storage until I can get the door up. Just because a blower followed me home last week and the same guy was showing me a four inch post vise that he wanted seventy five dollars for, he happened to mention that he had a bigger one that was froze up and he only wanted forty dollars for. I can’t help it, I just had to give it a home. It’s just a little 6
  9. I use a wheeled garden hose reel, one for my cords and another for my air line. With the cords I put the lightest one on first and work out. I don't have to tote them and I always use the hever cords first. With the air hose, I remove the water connections and put one end of the air line through the hole, Just reel of the length I need to use.
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