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I Forge Iron


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    Clinton, Mo

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  1. Pug}{maN I'm over in Clinton. Just a little drive away.
  2. Those are some gorgeous hammers you made sir.
  3. Pug}{maN Can I come by and watch? I'll even do regular apprentice chores if you need. I'm both envious of your forge and your skill.
  4. That's a good looking axe sir I hope to catch up to your skill at some day.
  5. JMC I'm looking for a good anvil I'm not finding any that I can get right off the closet I found so far is in OKC and I can't get the time off to do it. I'm looking at anything above a 100# with good edges and a nice rebound. I'm looking for a experienced smith close to me that can learn me a thing or two.
  6. I'm just going to just do the interview questions here. I'm looking to join BAM and ABANA and I'm here to see what I can learn. 1) Name Lukus "Kaalo" Albin 2) Location Coal, Missouri, USA 3) What type blacksmithing do you do, what do you make. I'm a hobby smith, I've made a few trinkets a few tools and a couple of knives. 4) How and when did you get started in blacksmithing I got started about two years ago when I got out of the army and stayed with my in-laws for three months while my wife was in college Father-in-law had a 45# Harbour Frieght anvil that he was going to scrap I asked if I could have it and traded some hard work for it. Decided that I'd learn to blacksmith. 5) What object or thing did you use as your first anvil, 45# Harbour Frieght anvil I'm still using. 6) Tell us about your first forge, hole in the ground, camp fire, brake drum, stacked bricks, It was a old wood stove that I still use. 7) Who assisted you or encouraged you in the craft A lot of internet reading and taking a few classes with SIU-C blacksmith program. 8) What event changed your attitude about blacksmithing When I gave my wife a trinket and she said that she loved it and still wears it from time to time and the first Mjolnir pendant I made. 9) What tool has changed or made your life easier in the shop I'm not sure yet I guess the internet or my first post vice. 10) What advice would you give those starting out in blacksmithing Keep at it and find a mentor. 11) What advice would you give those already involved in blacksmithing Are any of you local and feel like mentoring? Just stay out there and mentor people. 12) What are some of the interesting things that have happened to you in your life as a blacksmith. I don't really have any yet getting to spend sometime in the metalsmithing program and Southern was kinda cool Learning to make stuff with just fire iron and sweat is still pretty xxxxxx awesome to me.
  7. 1) Name Lukus "Kaalo" Albin 2) Location Coal, Missouri, USA 3) What type blacksmithing do you do, what do you make. I'm a hobby smith, I've made a few trinkets a few tools and a couple of knives. 4) How and when did you get started in blacksmithing I got started about two years ago when I got out of the army and stayed with my in-laws for three months while my wife was in college Father-in-law had a 45# Harbour Frieght anvil that he was going to scrap I asked if I could have it and traded some hard work for it. Decided that I'd learn to blacksmith. 5) What object or thing did you use as your first anvil, 45# Harbour Frieght anvil I'm still using. 6) Tell us about your first forge, hole in the ground, camp fire, brake drum, stacked bricks, It was a old wood stove that I still use. 7) Who assisted you or encouraged you in the craft A lot of internet reading and taking a few classes with SIU-C blacksmith program. 8) What event changed your attitude about blacksmithing When I gave my wife a trinket and she said that she loved it and still wears it from time to time and the first Mjolnir pendant I made. 9) What tool has changed or made your life easier in the shop I'm not sure yet I guess the internet or my first post vice. 10) What advice would you give those starting out in blacksmithing Keep at it and find a mentor. 11) What advice would you give those already involved in blacksmithing Are any of you local and feel like mentoring? Just stay out there and mentor people. 12) What are some of the interesting things that have happened to you in your life as a blacksmith. I don't really have any yet getting to spend sometime in the metalsmithing program and Southern was kinda cool Learning to make stuff with just fire iron and sweat is still pretty xxxxxx awesome to me.
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