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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by arkie

  1. Interesting video.  Thanks for posting.:)

    The high volume of water flowing through the pit is probably similar to the flow of water that Mousehole Forge used in the partial diversion of water from the River Rivelin and the mill pond when quenching their anvils.  The flow at Mousehole probably was somewhat less.  (Source: Richard Postman's book, Mousehole Forge).

  2. I got a notification via Youtube on new videos from Technicus Joe (aka Joey van der Steeg)...long time no post.  When I opened the two new threads they were about restoring a Ford Model A car.?????  Thought maybe his videos had been hacked.  If you listen carefully to the audio, it appears to indeed be Joey's voice.  BIG departure from blacksmithing.....!!! 

  3. I enjoy making things with horseshoes....but despise RR spikes!!  I only use various sizes of new shoes.  Old or used shoes (1) have to be cleaned...more work, (2) the toes of used shoes usually are worn to a sharp edge.  Not very attractive in a piece of work and sometimes can be dangerous.  A very few folks have wanted me to use old shoes for sentimental purposes.  What's really fun is if one can find shoes made for Clydesdales!!

  4. There is/was a company in Minnesota with the name Old Globe, etc. (can't link commercial sites) that at one time sold wrought iron from the grain elevators.  It was mostly bar and rod.  I bought a bunch of rod back in 2017, but I don't know if they still have any to sell.  You might google the name and see if there is any contact info.  I believe they only sell wood from the elevators now.

  5. I have had a Hay Budden for about 10 years that I treasure very much.  To that end, after EVERY forging I give it a quick wipe with a dry rag, then a quick swiping spray of WD-40.  That fights off any moisture and after 10 years, there has never been so much as a spot of rust anywhere on it.  A quick wipe with a dry cloth or paper towel before forging clears off any WD left behind.  That may seem to be overkill to some, but it's my way of preserving the old girl for many years to come.

  6. I recommend heating the bolts, not red hot, but hot with a propane torch then immediately spraying with PB Blaster.  Heat, repeat.  Let soak.  Another tried and true method is a mixture of 50% ATF and 50% acetone.  Don't heat for that mixture.  Some folks recommend Kroil.  I've never used it, so can't comment on it.

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