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I Forge Iron


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  • Location
    Beech Island South Carolina
  • Biography
    I'm 42 married have 1 son 17 and a daughter 12.
  • Interests
    Scuba Diving,collecting sharkteeth fossils,Hunting Fishing
  • Occupation
    Welder at a Chemical Plant,I have a small shop at my house also.
  1. How do you post a pic ?New
  2. My dad taught me at the age of 12 at 16 I went to tec school to learn the rest to get my certs 1 year later I was hired by the school to help teach welding.I love teaching.
  3. I use a # 12 Jumbo on 3" pipe or larger and #8 cup Both with Gas lens.
  4. Thats why I go All Blue ( Miller) Red is good too.
  5. What size welder?How far are you going to run it?
  6. If you clean it and turn down the heat a little you will notice you will have less spatter.Good Job
  7. I been welding sence I was 12 my dad started me out welding.4 years later I when to a tec school to get my certs 1 year later I was a teacher.I worked at the school for 3 years.We had 60 students each quarter.We got a new dean over the school she down sized our class to 20.She needed the room for medical class lol.After that I started welding pipe on construction jobs.After about 10 years.I started working fot Fluor Daniels.I do all the x-ray welding on our Stainless,Carbon,Hastalloy,Alum. I get sent to plants with in 2 states to do x-ray welds. Last job there was 3 welders we made over 1000 welds none came back bad.I was happy that none came back.Pipe welding is easy.The main rules on pipe welding .Feather each tac to a razer edge. Start in the middle of each tac on the root when you come across a tac go back to the middle again a grinder will take out the little hump where you stop.DO NOT pull stight out it will make a pin hole in th milddle of you puddle call a FISH EYE. 2 rule clean each pass remove all slag.Never run a 6010 Down hill if it's -x-ray. If you have to make a test weld. Tig and stick on the same cupon put 1st tac with 6010 then tig the other 3 tacs and weld the tig root side first and a hot pass over the root before switching back to stick 6010. The reason for this if clean a 6010 root and try to tig over it you will get pin hole ( porosity ) in your root.I done this on my very first test.Live and learn.meant to tell you to make your root burn in easyer cut the tig wire on 45 degree cut and start weld on the tip.this a way to make you caps even with out a hump.Cap shouldn't be over 1/8" higher than the pipe. It dose take a MONSTER weld lol.TO much weld will fail you also on a x-ray weld.I got my R stamp and U stamp for high Pressure welding. On tanks.Now that's a differant ball game. But the same welding. I made 4 tacs and hade to wait 5 hrs one time to have insurance inspector to look at it. Cost the company $3000.00 just for him.I made the weld. They called in x-ray crew the shot it then they called in a welding inspector,after he passed it. He called the insurance man back to look at the weld then film.It taken over 14 hrs just for 3 hr weld.Money in my pocket lol.I know it sounds like a joke but this really happens on the jobs.
  8. If you pre heat it and weld with a 9018 or a 11018 stick rod it will be harder than a 7018 by far.they cost a little more.But you get what you pay for.
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