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I Forge Iron

jimmy seale

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Posts posted by jimmy seale

  1. glad things is working out...like me,the medical probs. sure are piled up now,after 30 years in the patch i neeed a whole body transplant :rolleyes:  but,every day on top of the dirt is a good thing! if i knew i was going to live this long...i'd took better care of myself. well it sounds good anyway....

  2. hope you mend up good, most of my close calls,etc. were when tired OR crowding it too much. like any profession when you get too comfortable with it it will bite you. i've noticed on drilling rigs the ones that get hurt most are new or older experienced hands..but saws and such don't care who you are,what you know, they will bite!! so be careful-please

  3. that was what i am thinking...check for or install a flow limiter. but i would defenatly talk to someone that knows what they are doing, hate to mess up a pump,motor,or any of the hydros. and the safety issues would be enormous! so be safe and hope ya get her sorted out, jimmy

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