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I Forge Iron

Jim Coke

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Posts posted by Jim Coke

  1. Greetings Frank,


    If you fill in your location on your profile or give your basic location the guys are more than willing to direct you to a local blacksmith group that I'm sure would give you direction and a fair price ...  If you take pictures and post them in the tailgating section of this forum you will get plenty of advice and a possible customer..   I hope this helps



  2. Greetings All,


    Normally I use tongs for short punch hot work...  Many are all fitted with there own handles...   I do allot of treadle hammer work and found a simple set up .  A short piece of rough leather about 1in wide and 7 LW vice grips... I also use this when doing vice punch work..  Hot or cold and they work well..


    Carry on.



  3. Greetings Dan,


    It's a simple problem... I have several and all I do is use a old hack saw blade as a shim on one side of the bolt..  Works fine...  See my post on vice spacers under solving problems...


    Good luck



  4. Greetings Bryan,


    I'm lucky I built a winter shop in the city with limited equipment but I can forge and do the things I want...  I'm retired and have no schedules BUTTT. I still miss working in coal at my small studio at my farm.. Last month I got the itches and just had to do it... I know just hoe you feel....  Hurry summer....

    Michigan has two seasons winter and July...






  5. Just think if it is leaking now..  It could have leaked when you brought it home in you car the first time....   Your lucky....    Call the dealer and make them aware of the problem....   Put it outside out of harms way for a week.....    Do not transport in your car.... Borrow a trailer or  pickup...


    Be smart



  6. Greetings Tom,


    I think you will have a blast at Lances hammer in..  All you need is an open mind and energy... I have been a member of MABA for many years .  There is a good chance I to will be there..  You have joined a great group with a lot of fine folks..  


    Jim From the Golden Bell Forge   AKA blacksmiths heaven..

  7. Greetings again Justin,


    I don't think a lot of people understand that the only control that you have over your hammer is the tension on the idler...  You have no clutch like LG or  others...   Now we get down to what I would do...  See that you said you can mount it overhead....   I would mount your motor to twin belt reducing v pulleys on a jack shaft with at least a 100 pound flywheel and than to at least a 8 inch final drive pulley to your hammer...  You can figure the ratios.. The reason I would do it that way is to have inertia for initial starts and overall control... Old time line shafts have many pulleys on the shaft and have the inertia required...  That's just my way to skin this cat..  Let me know your progress...  


    I wish you well


  8. Greetings Waylon,


    I have a lot of post drills and have never seen one like yours....  I don't understand the use of the second small red wheel...   If I had to guess.. The crank arm would fit on that shaft  and the lever would allow you to remove the gear so you could operate the unit without flywheel action..  Does the feeder work off a cam ?  Does it work??    I hope this helps...  I look forward to see what comes up.


    Good luck  



  9. Greetings Justin,


    I feel the amount of belt surface area on a 2in pulley is not enough for initial start of the hammer .   Ever wonder why many heavy load machines have multiple belts and larger drive pulleys...  I think you would loose a lot of control on start up and overall control..   I have a line shaft shop and have made that mistake..  It takes a lot of energy to get things moving...  More than likely what would happen is you would push the tension pedal hard attempting to get started and the hammer would go faster than you wanted...  I have a lot of pulleys and have never seen a 2in 5in wide drive pulley with a 3/4 shaft size..  I hope this helps .  Maybe others will tune in with advice...


    Good luck


  10. Greetings Korben,


    I spent 65 years in Oakland County  ( Royal Oak )  I operated a blacksmith shop for the last 15 years and now live in the north country.  If you get a chance look into a tour at The Cranbrook Metal arts program...  ( right down your alley.)   If you go look at the sign at Christ Church and the Rectory gates... Yep I made them.. Right across from the Yellen gates at the entry...  Also look into Michigan Artist Blacksmith Asoc.  We are a bunch of great people and have some neet things in the schedule.... MIblacksmiths.org


    I wish you well and welcome



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