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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by yesteryearforge

  1. Chris
    Ill try to round up some photos
    It will in no way do something the size of a fireplace set / that would require an enormous tumbler althought you can remove the tumbler basket and just bead blast but that would require you to stand there and do it ,

  2. I am currently working on two anvils being cut out of the front plate on a 400 ton pressbrake the material is 7" thick
    im incorperating the base into the anvil
    the total anvil will be 60" long 34 " tall and 7" thick
    dont know how good it will be / really dont intend on using it but its something to do.

  3. It has always seemed rather odd to me that I have never had a blacksmith come by to scrounge any material from me.
    I have been in business for 16 years and go thru tons of material per month
    stainless,alum,hot roll in plate , tubing,sheet,bar,channel,I beams , round etc.
    last year I sold more than 80,000 lbs of scrap metal and an awful lot of it was good material for blacksmithing and I would rather see it go to someone who really needs it rather than a scrap yard.
    I sell it to the people looking for scrap somewhat cheaper than what they would pay if they went to the scrap yard
    Lots of farmers , construction workers , harry homeowners etc but so far no blacksmiths.
    Just seems a little odd
    Of course I am a scrounger as well.
    wrist pins from dozers or large cat. engines also make good hammers and are usually free for the asking

  4. RATS now ya'll have done went and gave me a case of the spring fever and ill have have a hard time getting anything done now.
    This comes right on the heals of the cabin fever that I just got over.
    What could be next ( the dog days of summer )

  5. If I read your post right you are not interested in making a sword at all but rather wanting to know what are the basic exercises that would further your hammer control and expand your smithing abilities.
    If thats the case do what insrgn suggest plus make some nails and rivetts
    practice putting heads on rivetts / there are a multitude of uses for rivetts in blacksmithing that you cant allways use a factory made rivett on such as hinges and the like

  6. What type of floor do you prefer in your shop and what do you feel the advantages are for your prefered type
    concrete ?
    brick ?
    wood ?
    dirt ?
    also do you use the type that you prefer or do you use whatever was there to start with
    How do you mount your vise and other equipment, / Permanent or movable
    any tricks to maximize the use of available floor space ?

  7. looking for tips on how you handle the portability of your set ups for demonstrations , festivals, hammer-ins etc
    coal ?
    gassers ?
    what size anvil ?
    set up for your vise ?
    tool racks ?
    material handling ?
    truck , trailer , canopies , saftey issues , etc

  8. since you are going to cut a hole in the floor anyway why not cut one a little larger and concrete the recipticle in place. / no nuts, no bolts and a much more secure mounting and also a much cleaner and neater apperance that would be easier to cover when not in use. before the concrete sets up just take a 1/4 plate the correct size and form a indention for the cover then you have a perfectly flat floor with nothing to trip over.
    just a thought

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