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Posts posted by yesteryearforge

  1. My slack tubs are stainless steel
    the water is slack or a more accurate word is stale, not stagnet but stale as slack water quenches much better than fresh water as the oxygen in fresh water runs away from the heat much faster than stale water.

  2. A very wise man once said
    I dont hunt to kill
    I hunt to have hunted.
    The enjoyment of any persuit is the preperation.
    At least half of the enjoyment derived from camping is the preperation of getting ready to camp
    The shopping/purchasing the equipment , clothes , food, planning the route or trail learning to read a compass cook over an open fire etc.

  3. Stryder
    I build my stands like a three sided box with the opening towards where I stand.
    You would be suprised at how much more comfortable it is to stand at an anvil when you can put your leading foot slightly under the anvil.
    just as a square stump allows you to stand closer to the anvil than a round stump an opening in the back allows you to stand even closer. the result is less strain on your back and legs as you dont have to be reaching over to hit.
    an added benifit is a stand made this way from heavy plate almost allways deadens the ring from your anvil. the photo of primtechsmiths is a 260 competitor like yours




  4. here are three champion 400 blowers of three different sizes
    8 "------ 12" ------ 16 "
    all three have the same gear box arrangement but different blower housings.
    I have right many 400 blowers but just got the 16 " so I changed out one of the 12" ones.
    thought this may be of some interest to anyone contemplating purchasing a champion 400 blower



  5. Leah
    Quite often the bond between a father and a daughter is very strong, perhaps stronger than that of a father and a son, It seems as that may have been the case with you and your dad.
    My condolences
    Mike Tanner

  6. assuming this is 16 gauge wall thickness drill a 1/2 " hole and run a 1/2 square file through it [ it will only take a few strokes per hole as your are only cutting the corners ] when the file goes all the way thru you are at 1/2 ".
    haven't done it on tubing but it worked well on 3/8 flat bar so should work even easier on thin wall tubing.

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