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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Jorgensen

  1. I use the chain as a "hold down tool". One end of the chain nailed to the anvil stand. Place the object to forge on the anvil, the chain over the anvil/object and your foot on the "loose end" of the chain on the floor.
  2. Jorgensen


    From the album: Janne

  3. Jorgensen


    From the album: Janne

    Me forging at a local fair
  4. Jorgensen


    From the album: Janne

  5. Jorgensen

    first tongs

    A bit longer could be nice.
  6. From the album: Janne

  7. Jorgensen


    From the album: Janne

  8. Here is my first try... Forged from an RR-spike, the head of the sike is the axe blade. Works pretty well to throw but there is no steel inlay for the edge. That will be the next projekt I belive.
  9. From the album: Janne

    First RR-spike axe
  10. OK, I guessed that the folding wouldn
  11. A new try on some sort of damascus, mild steel and metal saw blade. etched in FeCl. I guess my style is "poorly welded damascus jewelery", at least untill i get the hang of it. I question for the moore experenced damascus makers: Is it of any good to try and fold the billet more times? Is there any chanse to close som of the earlier made poor welds?
  12. Jorgensen

    Damascus ring

    From the album: Janne

    First try on making a ring
  13. Jorgensen

    Damascus ring

    From the album: Janne

    First try on making a ring
  14. Jorgensen

    Damascus ring

    First try on making a ring
  15. Jorgensen

    Damascus ring

    From the album: Janne

    First try on making a ring
  16. Her is a picture of it when re-etched in ferretic cloride.
  17. Character, is that the polite word for looks like s***t But I agree, it surly looks a bit special. And one thing I recomend is to complete the first one you start. Even if you discover stuff that isn
  18. It has two feautres that might make it worth showing: Its my first, and its finished Made from a renault coil spring, with aluminium and oak handle.
  19. There is two translations of faststeel in swedish. One is "snabbst
  20. Last weekend I bought a "new to me" anvil, 188kg (414lb).
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