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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by MRobb

  1. Larry,
    My deepest condolences for your most tragic loss. There is no way for me to fully understand what you must be going through. But I add my prayers to the long list. May God grant you the peace that passes all understanding and the healing touch of His love to you, and all your family.


  2. JimsShip, the ones with the small hook on the end are meat turners , or flippers. You stick the hook into the meat you are grilling and just flip it over and the hook comes out. The twists in the handles are called cube and pineapple twists. There may be tutorials on this site that you can pull up.
    I agree, I like John's selection of items too!


  3. Well, just about anything can be made from them. Do a search on RR Spikes in the gallery and it will come up with many things that have been made.
    It is only limited my one's imagination. They are fun to work with. Good luck and share pics of what you do with them. Here is one example to start things off.


  4. I think it's a fine looking knife. The fit and finish are well done. You made a blade to the customer's liking. And after all, it's his money. You learned a few things and explored a new design, even if it wasn't to your personal liking. Enjoy the experience of all the firsts.

    All in all, well done! :D


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