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I Forge Iron

Thomas Dean

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Posts posted by Thomas Dean

  1. Here are photos of my chain. In terms of scale, it is 35" long, and each toggle is 4 1/8" long. The link stock is a scant 3/16"D.

    There are two or more ways of making flat chain for the curb chains that fit in the horse's chin groove and which are part of the curb bridle bit. I suspect each iron link was brazed together with a blow pipe. The stock was baling wire size or smaller.

    Mr. Turley, I have that EXACT chain! same length, ends, everything! Just exactly was it used for? I'm thinking it's a trace chain. Cool chain no matter
  2. Your location will matter if you want us to give you help that is pertnant to you...such as tools for sale that may be in your area, local group meetings in your area, a working blacksmith that is willing to give some hands on help located in your area.....the list goes on... But is all you want is general info then keep your location to yourself. We really don't need your house address or even your mailing address but a city or even state would help us help you better....

  3. If "I'm fairly new to blacksmithing and an absolute beginner when it comes to oxy-acetylene welding." then you will have difficulty making this weld. I suggest that you take the part to be welded to your local high school and get the kids in the metal shop to weld the part for you. Make sure you bevel the shanks so when you gind the welds down to fit your hardie hole you don't grind all the weld off.

  4. If you are up to traveling, Balcones Forge and Houston Area Blacksmith Assoc. (HABA) will be having a joint meeting in Bryan, Texas on February 18th. The Lee Brothers will be demonstrating at their shop. I will be making the trip from Devine (south of San Antonio). Well worth the time and gas. You can check the Balcones or HABA website for details.

    Totally agree! I attended last year and won't miss it! Best Little Mini-Conference in TEXAS!! Not sure what's on the agenda this year as Jeff had back surgery back in Dec so it may be a "one man show" as he told me! But will definitely be well worth the effort to be there.
  5. Blah, After a couple of weeks trying to get an answer on their registration, their class is full. Capacity is seven, with seven enrolled. I am going to try talking to the head to see if there is any way they can fit me in. Hopefully I can still attend.

    Sent you a PM....
  6. Great broom Thomas. I definitely need to learn the proper way to tie one. Mine set me back $4.00... that's what I paid for a new, cheap WalMart kitchen broom that I took apart and used for the the straw. I tried to get some broom corn on short notice, but it didn't happen, so I had to go this route.

    Don, that broom is hand tied and I get to pick the colors of the twine! cost $25.00, tied on my handle and he will tie them and I can pick up the same day. He lives in Oklahoma but I catch him on First Monday Trades Day in Canton, TX. Great guy and beautiful brooms. I have had to resort to the small wisk brooms for a few of my fp set as he was nursing his wife through a bout of cancer, (she has recovered and he is back to doing the brooms again)
  7. I will miss Grant dearly. HIs posts were informative or entertaining and accasionally both. We have lost a great friend and mentor. I shall ring my anvil, with sadness, this evening. Prayers for his family left behind.

  8. Howdy from East TEXAS!! and welcome to IFI! Our oldest son and grandson live in Albuqurque, NM and we get out there a few times a year. I try to schedule one trip in Sept during the NM State Fair so I can "play in the fire" with the SWABA group. SWABA=South West Artist Blacksmith Assoc. I highly recommend joining the group. http://www.swaba-abana-chapter.org/ check the site for details on how to join. Again, welcome!

  9. Prices will vary, according to location mostly. The main thing to check is the threads on the screw and inside the screw box, if they are worn excessively then you may want to pass, that or get it cheaper than the asking price. The jaws should line up evenly and grip the same across the jaws. You can check to see if they close the same by placing a dollar bill, ( or a $100.00 if ya got one! ) and pull on the ends to see if they hold it the same across the face of the jaws. I have seen where they will grip on one side and not touch on the other. You want the jaws to line up even, side to side and tops the same. You can adjust the side to side but it takes more work to even the tops out the same. Just a few thing to watch for, and thanks to the collectors, eBay, and Craigslist just about ANY blacksmith tool goes for rediculous prices...best is to ask around, run ads in your local 'penny-saver' paper, post an ad at your Post Office (if they will allow it) Good luck!

  10. Howdy from East TEXAS!! and welcome to IFI! Jim, I think there is a thread on blacksmith terms here but I'm not sure just where it is, probably if you will just do a seach on the subject you can turn something up...or maybe there will be another that knows just where to go that will help you our. If you would update your profile and give your location we could most likely hook you up with a member that is close by. IFI is in 50 different countries and we number in the thousands in membership...today the blacksmith community, tomorrow THE WORLD!! --insert evil laugh here--- Good to have you here and enjoy your stay!

  11. I'm not sure how close they are to you but the President of the 'Gulf Coast Blacksmith Assoc.' is a bladesmith and he has a few photos on their web site. to contact him here; http://gulfcoastblacksmith.com/contact/ There are a few other bladesmiths in this group and I'm sure Chuck can get you their contact info.
    Also you can check the LAMA group; http://lametalsmiths.org/events.htm You will need to go to their "Join LAMA" button and then click on the pdf form link to find a contact person, I don't have his permission to post that info here. Good luck

  12. May all of you have a Joyous CHRISTmas and a very prosperous New Year!

    I know I may have ruffled more than a few feathers here this past year and if you are one of those please, please accept my sincere apologies. This place is my 'go-to' site. You give good inspiration, new ideas/ways of "hitting that pieces" just so, and encouragement to all. Thanks for being a part of IFI!

    Blessings to ALL!

  13. Howdy from East TEXAS!! and welcome to IFI! Check out the Saltfork Craftsmen and Artist Blacksmith Assoc. here; http://www.saltforkcraftsmen.org/
    It is the ABANA group in Oklahoma and you are smack in the middle of it! We have meeting somewhere nearly every Sat. of the month and would love for you to join anytime. The closest group for you is the South Central group and they meet on the 3rd Sat each month. In the meantime, kick back and enjoy this site. Plenty to soak up and don't hesitate to chime in when you so desire. Once again, Welcome!

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