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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by ChrisB

  1. The Lowes employees are a hoot. I was next to the compressors one day while one was explaining to a woman that there is no need for a 80 gal compressor. That a 30 gal is all anyone would ever need. I chucked because I had just returned their 80 gal because it couldnt keep up with my 10cfm blast cabinet.

  2. Terry @ OWA made mention of the extra weight of the P6 actually slowing it down. that the P5 is a faster press.

    My big concern is the occastional need to slit or punch 1" stock for a project I have in mind.

  3. How much more work is a P6 capable of compared to a P5 ? Or is more just added throat?

    I'll estimate 95% of my work will involve stock 1" or less.

    So is the P6 worth the extra $300 and extra shipping?

  4. I have a 335. I bought it new from Blacksmithsupply.

    After two years of searching for something used and finding the local antique and Amish have anvil prices hovering around $6lb in this area. I tossed in the towel on that search.

    I picked it up at the Ring of Fire event last fall.

    The horn has to be cleaned up. I suggest using some paint stripper to get the paint off the horn before starting grinding. When you grind the horn make sure your looking straight down the horn otherwise you'll egg shape the horn. John said he's had a few guys do that. I sat on a bucket with the tip of the horn at my nose and ran the grinder w/80g flap wheel down the horn that takes a 1/4" bite each time. So like cutting the grass I made one swipe at a time and worked my way around.

    The face is ready to use. It did have some form of rust sealer on it. I used a scotch brite flap wheel to remove it and put a nicer polish on.

    So far its been good to me, even after I missed a full force strike w/ 3.5lb hammer the face was unscathed. My face however almost caught the other side of the hammer. Rebound checks good...

    Minor Complaints:

    When I work out on the rear horn it makes a really weird/annoying ring. I keep telling myself to keep an eye for a big speaker magnet and put it on the underside of the rear horn to see if that changes its "tune".

    The Hardy hole was undersize. 45 min with a bastard file fixed the problem. I took my time with this as I knew if I took it too far I would be hosed. Plus there were a few mins of thinking with a barley pop during the whole operation. So maybe if one was efficient and less cautious it could be done in 20 min.

    There was a casting divot at the 5 o'clock position on the horn about 2" back from the horn. There was an obvious attempt to hide it with bondo. I'm sure it was done at the foundry. Its about 3/16" deep and 3/4" long. Not worth making a fuss about and I'm sure easy to fix with the welder and right rod.

    That shiny black paint job just bothers me.

    Would I buy one again? YES.

    Next time it'll come off the truck in the backyard. Then I'll get out the pressure pot and strip the whole anvil and clean it up and give it a better paint job. I may just do that if I get bored one weekend.

  5. Your biggest problem is the Mom hurdle you need to get over. The best way to do that is to think like a mother. So lets start...

    #1. "My baby is playing with fire" Mom's are programmed forever for as long as they live to "protect". So you need to be the role model of safety. I suggest getting a pair of safety glasses to start.

    #2. "Fire is dangerous" Women in general have a strange adversion to fire. Dont ask me why after two wives and numerous GF's they all had the fear of anything burning. Except candles... Women like to have a house. So you need to ensure your mother that your not going to burn her house down.

    #3. "Propane explodes" See #1 & #2. I highly suggest you consider building something other than a propane forge. Google "Charcoal Forge" you should find some excellent information. Plus natural charcoal is easily found at wal mart, lowes, home depot.

    #4. "He'll make a sword and kill somebody" If you've told your mom, or anybody else that would tell your mom, that your plans are to make a sword or knife or any other form of "weapon" You've blown it for now..period...end of story

    I suggest you concentrate on your grades and sports. Nothing makes moms happier than good grades. It is a major factor in them judging responsiblity. Check out some books from the library and make sure she sees you reading them. Get some clay and play around make some animal faces and other art'sy stuff. By spring you'll be beating hot metal in the backyard.

  6. My son who never misses anything spotted an anvil laying next to house. So I stopped in last night to see if they were willing to part with it. The little old lady of the house starts saying she had one of the local Mennoite's tell her not to sell it for less than six dollars a pound! She kept saying it was worth more to her for personal reasons. Not wanting to insult the lady I thanked her for her time and departed. I noticed this morning it was no longer in sight.

    Details about the anvil:
    The tip of the horn had a nice bend in it and one side was well worn close to an inch in the body in some spots. It had a mouse hole in the bottom.

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