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I Forge Iron

Elemental Metal Creations

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Posts posted by Elemental Metal Creations

  1. Well. some would say my area is anvil rich. I could prob find at least 3 for sale this coming weekend with-in 50 mi. All over priced but for sale. There is a 80lb PW in a farm supply store that is beat to heck, with large chunks out of the face for $425 FIRM. I consider the area poor because there is never a good one at a reasonable price.

     Also there is a used tool shop about 75 mi. away that has at least a couple of post vises and last time I was there he had 4 post drills.

  2.  Rich and Steve,

     I missed the actual class due to not having internet at home and have not had much shop time this year. I do appreaciate the effort you both put into the class and have read the entire class section at least twice and will read it again when I have a chance to put it into practice.

     You guys did a great job and I regret not being able to attend and keep up with it as it was happining.



  3. Unfortunately I would love to have most of the anvils he shoots. I have never watched him although he lives about 45 miles away from me and does several anvil shoots in the area. I have talked to several people that have watched him and some of the anvils are pretty decent. 

  4. Wife bought me my first at a used tool store, turned out to be a cast iron aso but thats ok, She bought it for me, I'll keep it.

    Found my second , a mousehole broken through the hardy hole at a scrap yard, 127# for $100. Got my third at a farm store, it was on commission, a 75# Lakeside in very good condition. Paid to much but I really like that anvil.

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