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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Rravan

  1. just so you know the 15N20 was obtained from an old bandsaw blade. also this mix was recomended to me by a professional knife maker, dose not mean he is correct, and i am sure that there are alot of professional knife makers here too. and thanks for your input. and yes finding the patern was amaing, i could see it as i was tempering.:D
  2. hey guys this is my first attempt at a patern weldded steel blade. okay billit materials; 7 layers of 15N20, 4 layers of 1055, 4 layers of mild steel and 4 folds. (i had some help with the initial weld and etching) handle is huon pine, brass and corrian(a polymer, man mad stone used for bench tops). construction; hidden pin and epoxy. blade length aprox 6" overall aprox 10" sorry for the bad pics, they were taken on my phone, i will try to get some better ones soon. feedback welcome.
  3. im in vic. fyi i picked up this pice in a scrap pile at the huon pine saw mile down in Tasmania for $2, and they emphersized very heverly that all the huon pine they use is stuff that had been buried by the river and recved therafter. and thanks for the advice
  4. hi guys i am about 98% finished on my very first pattern weldded blade and have used a peice of huon pine for the hande material. just a litle info on huon pine; its is a very slow growing tree, aprox 1mm/year, it grows almost exclusivly in Tasmania in Australia, it dose not rot and somthing in its oil resists borers, it also floats and thus was used for making boats. i belive it is also on the world heritage list. i was wondering if any of you guys have had any experence with this material and it finish, if it needs one. thanks in advance for any input/advice.
  5. i dont mean to be negitive here but good luck melting down aluminium cans, as you would most likely end up with ash. but if you figure out a way of doing it please let us know. cheers
  6. Not realy realavent to blacksmithing but i was wondering if you guy knew anything about these new ceramic knives that are in the shops now. Firstly how they compare to steel knives in terms of duribility edge retention weigt and balance. And secondly if the manerfactures put any metal in the handly for security purposes?
  7. corect me if im wrong but sabalized means that the wood has been impregnented with resin which makes it much stronger and stops it from rotting
  8. Any one had any experance with throwing knives, if so what are good weights, length, style, steel and heat treatment ect.
  9. Rravan

    steel ?

    Thank you for your coments so far. I should have known better then to leave room for missinterpritations and so i will clafy. What i was asking was for some recomendaions of steels that you guys have tried and found to be succsesful for a broad range of sword types, furthermore i was intersted in the price of these steels and more importantly where i can find them(i live in australia ). Hope this helps.
  10. Rravan

    steel ?

    Hi guys, hoping to rely on your experiance here. What is the best steel to use for a sword, where can i get it and how much does it cost. Also any guidlines for the heat treatment of the steel eg; quench medium and tempering spacifics. Any help in this area would be greatly apreciated. thanks in advance.
  11. thank you for your reply not sure if this is actualy a sword type but it would be a short sword type thing. i was thinking about 45mm to 50mm in width.
  12. hi guys i am planing to start my first sword in a few weeks and was wondering how thick it sould be? It will be about 2 feet long, double edged, with a fuller in middle and a lon taper to a point. any advice would be great. thanks i promise to post pictures along its journey
  13. thank you all for the clarification, just wasnt sure if it was 100% safe
  14. hi guys i was just wondering what the deal is with carbon steel knifes and food, is this a no go or are there certian thing that need to be taken in too consideration, eg level of polish? thanx
  15. you realy ort to finish some of those, cos they would look awesome
  16. what are you uing as your quenching medium
  17. In my opinion an angle grinder works the best fot a flat grind and can be brought for arount $60.00 AUS, at bunnings.
  18. awesome could you please post some pics as it is being assembled, that would help me and my sword journy alot. thx
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