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Posts posted by welder19

  1. I have had 24 holes poked in my back and not a single one did any good, if they start talking about nerve blocks.....run, you don't want them, trust me.

    I have L-3, L-4 & L-5 herniated and the only thing left for me is surgery but they don't give me very good odds on that and they don't want to do it because of my age also, the younger you are the less they like to opperate.
    The best advice I can give you is see multiple Dr's don't take one Dr's opinion when it comes to surgery and other serious medical issues, I have been to 3 different pain management Dr's, 2 ortho Dr's 2 nuro surgens and 2 different chiropractors, to try different things and get 2nd or 3rd opinions.
    Your spine is the worst thing to screw up, so for all you guy's who don't have any problems yet, be careful, it doesn't matter how big, strong, healthy, or young you are, it can give out just by twisting wrong, my case was too many years of thinking I was invincable, I was in the best shape of my life when mine let loose.
    Bentiron, good luck, I wish you the best, I know what your going through.


  2. You could weld a round steal plate on the bottom, make it big enough so that your standing on it while using the vise, it is imposible to move something your standing on, it will also give you a larger footprint and being round you will still be able to roll it around, I wouldn't use anything lighter than 1/4", 1/2" wopuld probably be best.


  3. You will need to make sure the dia. is big enough if your planning on burning more than one at a time.
    I would also recomend dampers in ea pipe so you can slow down or cut off the draft to one or the other.
    I don't know if your in a place or a position to be concerned but it may not fly with the local code.


  4. The style quick connects I use have check valves in them so you don't have that problem, just like an air hose on an air compressor except these have it in the male and female connector, however it still is best to have as little psi on them as you can but you won't get any oil out any way.
    Thanks for the warning anyhow, I do have a lot of hyd experience but that doesn't mean I don't make mistakes sometimes.


  5. I am building a new log splitter since I gave the last one I built to my Dad when he moved, I am setting this one up so it can be used as a press as well and I am also plumbing in a set of quick connects, like tractors have for hooking up hyd. impliments, so I will be able to use it as a hyd power source for othe equipment/tools I build.
    I'll post pics when done but it may not be till late winter or spring by the time I get it done.


  6. Oh ok, didn't want to sound like I was knockin your set up but it just was'nt sucking like I like to see, otherwise lookin good, it's always exciting to be able to build more room to spread out into.


  7. I don't think that thinner nesecarily = louder, I would think it is more of an issue with pitch, the thinner it is = a higher pitch, also combiined with the reduction of high and low spots as well as the work hardend spots.
    My Dad suffers from tinnitus from too many years working on and around jets for the Air Force and from what he describes it is not something I would wish on anyone and especially do not want it myself, so by all mean protect you ears and eyes, they are two things that are really a one shot deal, once you lose them their gone.


  8. If you have the money then definately go with kaowool, you can double or triple or do as many layers as you have room for, in other words it depends on what you want your inner dia to be, but the more you use the more insilated it will be but 1 or 2" will be fine.
    You will need a rigidizer either ITC-100 or similar or fire clay or thin refractory hard face to keep the wool in place as well as protect it.


  9. That is what zincs in marine applications do is prevent electrolisis which is what causes corrosion.
    I don't know how it would work for rust since that is more of an oxidation issue, even stuff on boats rust but they won't get eaten away from electroisis, if the zincs are properly maintained, not oxidation.


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