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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by welder19

  1. Definately post over at backyardmetalcasting.com forum there are plenty of us over there that have up and running backyard foundry's and are more than capable to help you out but you will need to post what it is your looking to have cast and of what type of metal, also do you have a pattern or do you need that as well, pattern making is where it gets costly.


  2. I don't think using your real name is all that important but listing your location is very helpful, for others and yourself, no one is looking for a street address and zipcode but state and vicinity of the state is good, ex. Southern Ohio or Northern California. It's only to be helpful, no one is looking to come hunt you down or stalk you.
    I may not use my real name but I do pretty much use the same name on all the forums I am registered to.


  3. 110v welders are fine, I've welded 1/2" with mine, just have to make more than one pass, it's better to use a bigger welder but it works. I do recomend solid wire with gas versus flux core wire, solid wire makes a much cleaner weld.


  4. I know of a ton or so of old wrought iron fencing that got hit by a car years ago and the old lady who lives there had it ripped out and piled up in the back of her place, approx 250 feet of it, I've tried every approach I can come up with even offering to buy it but she just wont part with it, even though it is just sitting in a heap going to waste, relly breaks my heart every time i think about it, man it is a lot of wrought iron, only about 30-40% of it was hit and the rest is even still nice fencing.


  5. Sorry to hear about your misfortune and you have my prayers, I've been in my share of brawls and I know for a fact that the skull is stronger than the hand, it sounds to me like he had something in his hand (roll of quarters or something similar) or he didn't actually hit you with his hand, either case would be a deliberate intent to cause severe harm.


  6. You don't really have to use any refractory for that type of forge, my first solid fuel forge I made was a truck wheel with the holes welded up and the air coming up through the center with a plate with holes drilled in it to keep the fuel from falling down in the tyuere. The fire pot I use now is made out of 1/2" plate and doesn't have any refractory either.


  7. The bearings can be tightend up, if you pry the cap off that covers the bearing there is a center nut that can be turned in a little and it will snug up the bearing, just DON'T over tighten it.
    That is if it is a Champion 400 your talking about, I don't know about any others.


  8. I have built quite a few splitters and can tell you that if your resourceful and do a little scrounging you can build a way better splitter than you can buy, the most I have ever spent building one is about $600 and that was approx 30 ton and had a cycle time of about 14 sec, which is very fast for a splitter for those of you who may not know, which is the other benefit to building your own is you can build them so they are fast where as the ones you buy are slow, like Frosty said for saftey.
    If your mechanically inclined and can weld then by all means build your own but don't try and go and buy all new materials and expect it to be cheaper, the only things I buy new if need be is a pump and or valve other wise everything is found here and there, go and scavenge at the local scrapyard and you should be able to find just about everything you need.


  9. If you want to do it as cheap as pos. then your gonna have to find what you can locally, cause no matter how cheap of a product you buy the shipping will get you. If you can, find a pottrey/ceramic supply, they will sell some commercial refractory's but if they are still too much for you then get a hight temp clay, I prefer to use EP Kaolin, which comes from FL so it should be even cheaper for you. Get some fine grog or if you want to stay even cheaper then you can go with silica sand which they will alos sell there, you can go about 50/50 clay/grog or sand and as little water as pos, just enough to make the clay bond nicely, which you will be able to tell as you mix, the more water you use the longer and slower it will take to dry and fire it.
    You should be able to find EPK for $7-$10 a 50lb bag and it can withstand 3000F no problem.

    These guy's are in FL, I don't know where in relation to you though,

    Raw Materials: Ball Clays at Axner.com


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