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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Ironmike

  1. Is it possible you could show us how you create your feathers, also are the feet forged . The Anatomy on your sculptures is gorgeous just like the real thing absolutely beautiful work,


  2. Littlemilligan,

    Beautiful job!! How long did it take? Looks like alot of detail in that and alot of time


  3. If you do a seach for Rhino in the seach box,I think you will find what you are looking for here.I will say Steve makes a good anvil and also has some nice hardies to boot. I like his Touchmark Tools as well



  4. A good source for these type of tools that you're going to modify is Harbor Freight because you don't feel bad about chopping them up, But I have been known to use a snap-on when I have been in a bind and need to get the job done.


  5. If you want to make a longer socket, take your chopsaw and cut the drive end off of the socket,  and using a piece of tubing same diameter as a socket  cut the tubing the length you want the socket and weld back together I also suggest using a 6 point socket,I make a lot of specialty tools this way


  6. Natkova, By the way That blower motor is 12v-DC you will need some sort of 12v DC power source Car battery? ect


  7. Other way is ,by the looks of it two are going from the resistor to the plug, leaving two to the plug one being ground and the other your high speed,if you hook them up backwards the motor will run backwards then just reverse them


  8. It looks to be three speed, if there's four wires in that plug one is ground the other are the speeds one being ground if only three in the plug no ground then you have to ground the motor housing it's hard to tell by your pic, it does look like the resistor was spliced in at one time.Two speeds through the resistor then third direct for high and ground


  9. Nice forge Drew, Main thing is it rolls,You can allways throw somthing over the gap to get over it


  10. Looks like the front jaw is down,That would be the pivot bolt like Anvilman says, That plumbing looking  fitting may be the right part but in backwards it's hard to tell by the Pics


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