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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by macbruce

  1. This is a good read and a graphic reminder of how bad Hydraulic power can bite! Don't ever use sub standard or damaged fittings...just don't. Click once and read about it, click again and it's very graphic.........



  2. For forging you need speed (gpm) and power. Mine is a 25 ton with a 10 hp mtr and an 11gpm  pump @2500psi  and it pushes a 5in. cyl pdq if I open the diverter valve all the way. When the ram makes contact it doesn't draw the heat out of the piece like a slow press.......let's say I put an air/hyd unit on mine that cranked out 10000psi (not that my cyl could take it). The gpm on those is way less so it would be allot slower and when contact is made with the hot steel even with say 4x the tonnage it would suck out the forging heat before I got it to where I wanted it.....fail.....

    Basicly speed (gpm)needs more HP to be effective but high pressure can be achieved easily with  low hp/low gpm units. Cripes, my H press had more tonnage with the hand pump it came with than after the power conversion. But, just try forging with a hand pump unit.. :lol: ...Study the book and get it right the first time.... B)

  3. I built a C frame for my powerful .680 round shank chipping hammer and it worked after a fashion. After I used it for awhile I decided that everything I was doing in it (and more)could be done far easier, with more control in my 100lb air hammer........The C frame now rusts in peace.

  4. My thoughs are you should get that forge and comence to learning how to make the tools pictured. These are very basic things and I've often heard that a cold chisel and or a center punch are amoung the first tools many BS schools/courses require a student to make. This also sets the stage for future thinking/independence when you need say a hot for your anvil or or a special form....whatever. You'll be ahead of the game if you learn to do it for yourself...... ;)

  5.   Good godfrey man ,don't talk about it as if it were men from ancient times! That film was made only 15 years before I was born! Those engines were built at what could now be called the height of mechanical engineering. The same period as the British Spitfire, the American P51 Mustang with the Marlin and Allison engines respectively.


    OLDER THAN DIRT! :lol: .........Well, it was made 13 years before my debut and my Dad spent many  thrilling and extermely tense hours behind a Merlin in both Spits and P51's and quite a few are still air worthy after 60 years. I don't think that will be said of the more modern, computer avionics fighters of today. Kill the brain/computer and it's a pile of junk.

  6. I can't seem to locate that rascal and I'm actually busy for a change, but........All it was, was two pieces paralell  about 4'' long say 3/4x1'' bar with groove between them so the corner didn't jamb/interfere with spreading the flanges and of course the V groove was 22.5* with a top counterpart (fuller) at same. I fabbed the bottom swage with spacers in between the V groove void and the bottom base plate and the top tool bevel was cut in the saw..........If I ever make another I would forge the V into a block and then the top into bottom, after which I would cut the relief groove into the bottom piece with a cutoff wheel in a grinder. The hardest part would be to make a tool steel piece at 22.5* to strike into the bottom fuller or........make the top first to form the bottom but a beefy PH or press is needed for that which you two seem to have a handle on............. B) .........Those without can do plan A

  7. I was refering to the use of angle iron. I still have a 22 1/2* buttom swage and top tool I made expressly to form angle iron for the purpose of making light fixture frames. After forming the corner has a nice raised apperance......

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