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Posts posted by edge9001

  1. thanks you have some really good ideas. I'll pass them along, maybe we can save the bike after all. I have my bondsman on speed dial, i have ever since I got my carry permit.

    the cops around here don't know or don't care what the law actually means. i asked a 7 and they told me my concealed carry permit doesn't allow me to carry a concealed hand gun anywhere. the judge and state's attorney all said different. i figure eventually i'll need the bondsman to get me and my gun out of jail.

  2. Two questions;Does your brother have a phone and did he have insurance?

    yes he has a phone and no he has no insurance on it.

    he loaned the bike to one of our other brothers, jeff. when jeff moved to the luisianna(spelling?). the bike came back needing tons of upkeep to be ridable so he dropped the insurance until it was ridable again. then i got stolen.

    oddly he moved to the swampy state with only what he could carry on a motorcycle. who does that...anyway thats off topic
  3. ric, if you'll notice the titanium plate is already on hand. so cheap isn't going to ba an issue atleast if i read this right.

    as for will this work, I don't know, But i would like to find out, so I will continue to watch this thread.

    the one thing that comes to my mind though, is this, what it the heat range that titanium of that thickness work, will it hold its shape and integrity at forge temps.

  4. Thanks, now if I could just put a good edge on it. The art of sharping has always eluded me.

    The best way Ive found to sharpen a blade is a sharpening kit. the one I used comes with a vise like thing to hold the blades and to guide the stone. the stones all have rods in them to help guide them. the kits I have comes with 5 stones, a triangular one for serrated blades, i have yet to figure out. a extra course stone, a course stone, a medium stone and then a fine stone. combine these with a leather strop and I've gotten a razor edge. without this kit I find it hard to sharpen a blade as well. I can still get a usable edge but not a shaving edge.

  5. Well if it were my brother's bike and we were on speaking terms, I would have already paid the storage fees to save more costs. Then worry about collecting from my brother,

    Just my $.02 worth.


    I thought of that, only I won't have enough money available to pay the fees until three weeks from now. by then the bike will already be gone. my thoughts were pay the fees and impound his bike at my place until he can pay me. i looked and i don't have the money.
  6. well i know the true issues involved. true justice only comes at the tip of a barrel...a gun barrel. and then only when you can dispense those little lead pills "legally".

    on principal though, it is still wrong that he have to pay to get his bike back or surrender it to them after 30 days.

    will this ever change, probably not it will most likely get worse over time. but while I am a man of the "law" I am also a man of principal. unfortunatly the two rarely ever meet.

  7. I got you one. My brother's motorcycle, an 06 honda bought brand new, was stolen 2 years ago. they found the bike, repainteed krylon silver, and the thief fixed a few problems that had kept him from riding it. now the impound lot wants him to pay $195 and it goes up 20 daily to get it back. so his bike was stolen by a thief and now it is going to get stolen again by the impound lot. all because he is out of work and can't get the money together to get his bike back. 30 days from now and it is their's, legally abandoned at tow yard.

    it was stolen from him, he shouldn't hav eto pay to get it back, that should be the thiefs problem.

  8. Just have to ask what happened to the old razor strop.

    I still use them. My last haul came from a guy whos grand dad was a blade smith and made folders. in the trunk fullof stuff I got 5 strops in great condition, a small tub full of brass folder parts, 7 or 8 scythe blades, as many or more saw blades a champion blower, and about 20 lbs of lead with ladle.

    so i stilluse the strop, both on the blades and the kids. hehe grab the strop and the kids jump in line, never even need to use it on them, just threaten to.

    best thing ive found is when you get the knife as sharp as you can, run it up and down the strop a few times and it will shave you quite easily.
  9. bob, that sounds like probably the best way to go. I actually have my first customer negotiating with my now for a pair of gun racks. this guy wants 2 horse shoe wall mount gun racks. nothing special. I offered to make him one of these
    post-13874-055500000 1284740546_thumb.jp

    his answer was he didn't need the felt or the barrel locks. this guy essentially wants me to weld together 8 horse shoes. amazing! I can buy premade shoes from tractor supply and weld them together for under $25 materials and less than as hour of labor. lol AND he is worried it will cost him too much. I think I'll just ofer to trade for extra materials

  10. Last september 28 I was cutting firewood and while felling a tree it fought back by doing something I didn't see coming and I've been felling trees since 74 ir there abouts. Anywho the Great White attack nearly killed me outright and if it weren't for our dogs sounding the alarm loudly enough Deb heard and got the message something really BAD had happened in the house (She heard it in the house that is)and pointed out my bleeding broken self dragging itself out of the woods, I wouldn't've been alive in a few more minutes. Deb called 911 and EMS got here in under 3 mins. while she administered as much first aid as she could. Getting hit by the tree kicking back in a way I still don't understand, broke bones from my rt foot, ankle to most or all my left ribs, puncturing that lung, neck and two skull fractures with the added interesting phenom of contra coupe traumatic brain injury. pingpong ball in a shaken mason jar for a visual example.

    Anywho, after a week in a drug induced coma and at least two more months I don't remember of very combative recovery the me that is I woke up and Deb showed me how to access my accts from a notebook comp she'd bought to keep folk updated.

    When I started communicating with folk, the gang here being first on the list after blood family & inlaws I started referring to getting in the way of a falling tree as being attacked by a Great White . . . birch.

    There's more to it than that, some in the Prayer threads on IFI, some on Deb's Facebook page I think and probably more. It's hard for me to read. Deb was so scared, worried and hurting it really gets to me. Another aspect is how overwhelmed I am by the number of people who prayed for me, it's very humbling and something I need to step up to deserving more.

    I'm living proof prayer works and catching a falling tree with your head is a BAD idea.

    Frosty the Lucky.

    I only have a few things to say to that.
    1. sorry to hear it happened
    2. ouch
    3. catching falling trees is always a bad idea
    4. glad you are still here
    5. and we were able to meet(kinda)
  11. I like those designs. my solid fuel forge is contrrolled with a dimmer switch so I don't need an air gate on that one, the gasser has an air gate that is set and then held with a wing nut. when I get around to building my net forge then I will probably go with a design like yours

  12. I would imagine lots of people had beards beck in the old days, due to the potential danger of shaving. one slip of the razor and you get a nasty cut, and it was sure to get infected. In the old days it was just safer to grow a beard. not to mention easier than shaving. to shave you had to well shave, to grow a beard all you had to do was live.

  13. grinding away for hours, not so. I've sat for an hours sharpening a blade. if you use a proper very course stone, after running the blade across a sanding belt or grinder once. and then progress through the course to the fine and then finer still stones, It doesn't take hours to sharpen a blade. BUT take one of these belt grinders and use it carefully it should work well. I prefer a hands on aproach instead of power tools for sharpening.

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