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I Forge Iron

don't tread on me

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Posts posted by don't tread on me

  1. I recently purchased this forge and haven't seen one like it posted in this forum. Does anyone know what type, manufacturer etc. that this might be? I purchased it because I needed something larger than my rivet forge. I also don't know exactly how this mechanism works with regard to running the fan. I'm hoping to find a photo of one that is working or at least an old add or patent. Any help or direction on where to look would be appreciated.

    Thanks, Jim

    Ok I could not find a pic but you could look at your avitar pic I think that shows what you need. But incase it doesn't you take a belt from the big wheel to the blower and sowe it together, then look at the shaft to the big wheel there should be eather two screws or two holes where there used to be screws, now on the rocker conected to the handle take a pice of strap and screw it on to there then pull it as far away from the big wheels shaft as you can get it, mesher that and cut your strap that long then screw it onto the shaft, Wiend it up until that end of the rocker is tuching and repeat on the other side. If you do all that right you should be good to go.

  2. I am facing a problem with my forging. Right now I am having issues trying to work with 1" or thicker metal and often high carbon steel in trying to make anvil tools. I cant afford to buy a power hammer and even if I could I am not sure my neighbors will be happy to see it. I am worried one of the jerks will call the cops or something if I used it after 9:00 pm which is often when I get a chance to do some smithing. I would like to get a fly press but then I dont know what size and 2 grand is only going to be in the budget if I get a big bonus from work this year or a big tax refund. So there you have it, I want to work with heavy metal billets, hardy shafts and so on by hand.

    Right now the best I can do is use a 4# hammer and slam the crap out of it in 50 heats and that is getting tedious. Even Swaging the shafts through the anvil is becoming tiresome and when working billets of pattern welded steel, drawing them back out is the definition of unfun. Furthermore, I like to work with old jackhammer bits to make tools because those bits are great steel and thicker than coil springs but that steel is murder to move by hand, often fishmouths when I am trying to make hardie shafts.

    So I am asking for suggestions on how to do this better without fishmouthing everything or blowing a fortune that i dont posess right now. (and if I had a grand I would probably buy an ozark pattern 400# anvil anyway). Anyway. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Lets say the budget is 500$ and under.

    Have you looked into shop presses yet? You could get a nice one for 500.00, go to Grizily Tools websit they have a few and there are a lot on E-Bay.

  3. Don't say that the other forge is worthless because it has a crack thru it. My first rivet forge was completely cracked from the tuyere all the way out one side and had about an eighth inch gap in the crack. I used that forge for over 5 yrs before upgrading to a better one. It worked fine. The crack was just cosmetic and did not affect the use that it was intended for. Most of the forges that are cracked like that have had water poured into them to put out the fire while the forge was hot. Sad, but that's just the way it goes. Someone may be very happy to take that "worthless" forge off your hands just to get a starter forge for themself. Don't pitch it. My 2cents. :D

    No it is werthless it has two cracks and I could proble brake the forge in half with my hands
  4. A friend of mine gave me this forge and another one just like it. The other one is werthless becase of a big crack running threw it but this one is still good. I put a shovol handle as the pump handle and am going to put a lether belt on it when I get one. It has a small crack as you can see but someone bolted a 1\4 in steel plate over it to hold it together. I am going to change the blower to another one that I have becase this one only has 3 good blades. Other than that it is perty good and will work fine.





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