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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by LDW

  1. The meeting normally held on the second Saturday will be rescheduled on the
    third Saturday, Sept 19.
    Benny Crevitt will be demonstrating for us. His demo will include smaller
    items that sell well at craft shows.
    We will go to the forges and actually make the items with Benny's
    supervision. We can continue to do this until Benny gives up.
    This will be a great hands-on meeting. Don't miss and don't forget to bring
    something for iron in the hat.

  2. Keykeeper is correct, at least I think it was half scale. Clay Spencer is in several of these photos. That tire hammer was given away in a raffle half way through the auction. 781, the demonstrators were Mike Linn and Ernie Dorrill. I will add some text under some of the photos as soon as I get time.

  3. I watched someone forge an aluminum leaf one time. He checked to see if the aluminum was up to temp by touching it with a pine limb, when he wiped the stick across it and it left a black streak it was at forging temperature.

  4. Morlock, I know where you are coming from, but, I watched Jim Batson draw file on a large bowie knife one time, he cleaned it up good in about 10 minutes. It may seem elementary, but I did not realize this till he said it. The larger the file the coarser the cut. Start with a big file then work your way down in size and it will get smoother. I like a belt grinder too.

  5. Dodge I finally found the knife I was telling you about. You were right the smaller one is not a ka-bar here are some pics of it. It is 9.5 inches long with a 5 inch blade.
    100_3660.JPG 100_3661.JPG 100_3663.JPG

  6. I have two k-bars myself. One was my fathers and the other one was given to me by my father in law. They were issued to each while in the service. Both say USMC but my father was in the Navy and his is larger than the other one that was issued to my father inlaw, he was in the Marine Corp. I have made a couple knives and used leather discs in the handle, I found it is easier to clean up and shape the disc with a wire brush on a bench grinder. Thanks for your history on them.

  7. I was told one time that because of an ANSI standard, lawn mower blades are not to be hardened when they are made to keep them from breaking and go flying if you were to hit something while cutting. I don't guess this means they are not higher carbon steel, but they are not supposed to be hardened while in use. As a lawn mower blade.

  8. All I ever use anymore is muriatic acid on cable. I use it full strength, just remember to stay outside and up-wind. A deep etch brings out the de-carb lines beautifully. You get a totally different look if its done with the acid heated to about 140 degrees F. Its some bad stuff though. Wouldn't recommend it if your not going to respect it.

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