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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Bought at the cabin fever model engineering expo' s auction(cabinfeverexpo.com). Paid about $2.50 a lb but she was worth it. Cleaned me out. My chin almost hit the ground when i saw a 14-15 year old guy there with a wad of cash as thick as my wallet and they were all 100's( he had to have at least $5k, maybe 10). Actually saw a smaller cannon ball in one of the box lots and in my mind i was thinking- hmmm..... that would make a great tool or something to work on. A lot of melting cauldrons and ladles, something that looked like a flat anvil(no horn and was about 2 ft long- wasnt a rrr track ),plus a ton of other stuff. Saw a large number of older metal lathes- they were going for $200-300 each and now i am seeing them on the local craigslist going for $800 +( same exact ones too). Sean
  2. well new to me actually. 200lb fisher anvil (from 1940) that looks like it was never used. Only two small dings on the horn. Photos here: bearsphotoalbum/anvil - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Sean
  3. Well, You really cant go by ebay's prices anymore. a number of things have sold for far more than they are worth(look at antique tools and antique german snowbabies). There has also been a large number of people getting a second ebay ID and upping the price of things. But then again tool collectors are having a field day on ebay as of late. I know of one person who has bought a ton of forging equipment( 4 forges and 10 anvils so far that i know of) who is just doing it to put them out in his garden. Sean
  4. Bear

    Oh well

    Finally found a decent sized anvil(150 lb) in my area that i can afford(its actually in west chester) on craigslist made an offer on it and she accepted and now she has someone coming to look at it in a week for full price. Kinda depressing. oh well the search goes on......:(
  5. Sorry to be a pest guys:) Seen this listed in an auction listing thats about a month away. does anyone know anything about it( how big it is etc...). Sean
  6. Sorry but that first pic reminds me of the old roadrunner cartoons. I laughed pretty hard when i first saw it. Sean
  7. Anyone know anything about this hammer in? Its listed on abana's calendar but absolutely no info on it. Where in maryland is it? Sorry if this is put in the wrong forum. Sean
  8. Hi all, Actually from Leola Pa( a few miles east of lancaster). Used to do some forging in Jr high and High school and have just started getting back into it(make some tools and do some decorative work). i am making some room in my workshop for it and have just started picking up some older tongs( occasionally the green dragon has some cheap). Love the forums and have read through a lot of it so far. Sean (aka Bear)
  9. Bear


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