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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by jmeineke

  1. I have lots of copper bars too, and less expensive than retail B)

    Can you get 5/16" rod? I need enough to make a minimum of 60 balls, 60 * (5/16) = 18 3/4", so 2' should do the job. I should probably get 3' just in case. Wonder if I should use 3/8" and draw it out - that would give some extra character that I hope to impart to the finished piece.

    I still have to figure out how to make the dies, though - haven't done anything like this before.
  2. That's a great looking tool.

    I think I've been using Google Sketchup too much..... As I was looking at your pics I got the strong urge to center-mouse-click and rotate it like a model!! smile.gif

    Don't forget to post more pictures if you do more mods like putting the fence on it!

  3. I would look into making a swaging die setup. Put the rod in, and whack it a few times to get the shape.

    There was a thread awhile back where someone was making balls on the ends of bars, They had pictures of the dies they made, as well as sizing the bar correctly to fill the die up.

    If you need brass bar stock, let me know. I can buy the bar ends from work, when we run brass from time to time. I may even have some here already.

    I'll try to find that thread. I may be able to get brass rod local pretty cheap but will have to see. Thanks for the offer - I'll keep that in mind.

    Another way would be to make a small spring/guillotine tool with the top and bottom 'blades' made to the profile of the radius required and put a relief 'hole' through the centre to prevent the bar being severed when forging, (make a small smooth radius on the edge of this hole to prevent the tendency for the spheres to crack off)

    All you have to do then is use this tool at a regular interval to produce the bead effect,

    If you use brass, I would think they would become brittle and prone to breakage particularly if done cold

    Thanks - I'll look into that too. Speaking of guillotines, this one really caught my eye: http://www.iforgeiro...post__p__177607.
  4. I'm trying to find out how to go about making 1/4" to 5/16" beads from round bar stock. These would be rather small to work with a hammer, so I'm not sure exactly how to do it. I'd prefer not have to file or grind.

    I'm not opposed to forging them out of mild steel for this project either (actually, I'd kind of prefer to), but brass sounds like it would be a lot easier to work at this size and I'm guessing it could be done cold.

  5. Someone somewhere on this forum at one point mentioned that you can weld cast with 7018. Now, just because I'm learning and am always looking for excuses to weld something, I'd be tempted to try building it up with 7018 and then hardface it. Not only would it give me practice, I'd hopefully have something a little more usable as a finished product.

    If you're having trouble finding an anvil, check out scrap yards near a large city (there are lots of industrial "throw aways" near large cities). The one that I go to has about 10 forklift tines laying around in the yard - they go for about 30 cents a lb. I have several anvils, but I've been tempted to buy a tine because it's a nice long, flat hard surface. Throw it on a nice solid base like this guy's doing and you'll have a good surface to work on: http://www.iforgeiro...post__p__179712.

  6. Got the stand built (minus the casters) and am pretty happy with it - no problems with stability. I may shave a few inches off the posts - I think it may be a bit too high.

    I picked up some 2" square tube at the scrap yard and am going to cut it into 3/4" lengths and weld them on for hammer holders. Will have to file the edges smooth so I'm not marring up handles. Trying to decide which way to I should mount them - front and back or on the sides. I like the way they look on the sides but don't really want to mess with cutting the table. Then again, how many hammer holders do I really need? Maybe I should just throw a couple on the ends and be done with it?

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  7. You thieves out there, if you have ears to hear, then listen: you will one day stand before your creator and will render an account of your deeds. You know it is true, and you will have no excuse, because God's laws are written on your hearts.

    One thing is for certain in this life - you will die. There is no escaping it. You will fall into His hands, and "It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God" (Hebrews 10:31).

    "In the end.... forever.... you and I will be in heaven, or hell...... Period." -- Father John Corapi

    Two Ways Are Set Before You O’ Man..

    The way of Life and the Way of Death

    Therefore, Choose Life

  8. while I was away from my shop, one night, someone stole my entire five ton scrap pile! The pile included spring swages from a steam hammer that I had acquired from the now defunct Delaware and Hudson Locomotive Shop. Talk about audacity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That kind of theft takes some planning... Sorry to hear you lost all that. I know it sure stings.

  9. Look at MSC Industrial's website for hardness testers they had a pretty big selection last I looked.

    New ones are a bit high for my budget (Can't even say I have what would qualify as a budget :)), but yeah, they have a nice selection.
  10. I'm looking at a HRC tester - it's one of these http://www.valuetron...px?ProdID=19997. The one he has has never been used, comes in the original case and still has the calibration certificate with it - all things that make it worth more than a used one with no certification. Seems like one of those things that I may regret passing up if I don't do it. He's willing to work in trades which works much better for me right now financially.

    It's range is 20HRC to 65HRC and it's accuracy is ±1.5 points. I don't know... I do plan on doing some knives, but do I really need one of these? I can see how it would be nice to have one to get your hardening / tempering process down and to test anvil hardness, etc.

    What do you all think? I'm nibbling and tempted, but please save me from my own ignorance if I need saving.

  11. Yes, it is very sad - especially when it's from someone you trust. Some very good friends of ours borrowed a large sum of money from us a long time ago, a lot more than had been stolen from my garage, with the promise to pay it back in monthly payments. They won't even return phone calls any more - the money is as good as gone. We forgive them, and we pray for them.

    We have to be ready to forgive those who trespass against us, or we better not even pray the Lords prayer. If we don't forgive, we will not be forgiven; if we show no mercy, none shall be shown to us - and our debt to God is great indeed.

    As Abigail Van Buren put it, "The church is a hospital for sinners, not a museum for saints."

  12. When I lived in Missouri, I was out mowing my lawn one day and left the garage door open. This was in broad daylight, mind you, in a residential neighborhood. I had plenty of neighbors and it was in a nice subdivision. When I had finished mowing, I came up to get my weed eater and it wasn't there. As I looked around, I noticed a whole bunch of other stuff wasn't there. Apparently someone paid me a visit while I was mowing the back yard. I think it came to about $500 to $600 in tools; a lot of birthday and Christmas presents and stuff I had worked for over many years.

    I couldn't believe that someone would do that in broad daylight, but according to the police officer who responded to my house it happens all the time. They never caught whoever did it. I still sometimes pray for whoever it was that they come to their senses and repent and get themselves right with God. There isn't anything in this world worth losing one's soul over. They may not have been caught by man, but they didn't escape the watchful eye of God.

    I'm glad the guys who did this got caught and that the goods were returned to their rightful owners. They'll have plenty of time in jail to think about what they've done; hopefully they will use that time to really reflect on the path they chose and where it ends.

  13. I've been looking into the 'tip over' factor. I've learned that gravity doesn't care if the legs are angled or straight - just where they are at in contact with the earth in relation to the center of gravity of what they are supporting. I think the anvil cg is somewhere a little less than around half way down the body. Mounting it solidly to a heavy table changes things too, because now you have to figure in the cg of the table itself. The entire object then has it's own cg. I think the table will weigh somewhere around 120 to 130 lbs. I'd guess that will put the cg of the whole thing probably somewhere at or below the base of the anvil.

    The next question then becomes how hard do you want it to be to tip the whole thing over by applying a side force to the top side of the anvil - 50#? 100#? 200#? (though instead of tipping, keep increasing the distance of the legs and it will slide rather than tip). I have no clue what my 20" spread will translate into. Just looking at the picture, my gut tells me it will be fine. I put the steel plate on my welding table and set the legs on it and my gut tells me it looks good too. I'm gonna go for it and see what happens.

    I'm really not trying to over engineer this thing, but I want it to be safe too. I think it's going to be pretty hard to tip. I'm happy with the design, like the room up top to put hot stuff on, like the fact that I won't be tripping on legs, and I like metal stands. Who knows, though - maybe this whole experience will turn me into a "stump only" man some day. Only one way to find out.

  14. You guys do some serious pounding, that's for sure. I'm not there yet - not even close. Heaviest hammer I own at the moment is 3 lbs.

    I guess I'll go ahead and build it as planned. I think it will work out okay. I'd rather have the extra space up top and straight legs than a small top and angled legs. Easier to fabricate too. If it doesn't work out I can rip it apart and build something else.

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