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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by youngdylan

  1. yeah he is a "honey trap" isn't he
  2. Simply answer to that is NO! I'd be embarrased to say how little I charged. I took the "percieved value" approach to costing but my guess at the customers percieved value was too low! and it took far too long to make. I always seem to get it wrong estimating time for the bespoke stuff. I'd never punched such wide slots so deep before, so there was a lot of time tooling up and experimenting. I used to think of it as ok because I'm building up the expereince bank and all the expensive learning would go into the next gate. Trouble is I don't wan't to keep banging out the same old stuff so there's always a lot of learning with the next gate. That said, as I build up my portfolio and make the work "look expensive" I find I can get better prices.
  3. South I sure as xxxx hope you're a better smith than hin, you're 36. Can't see an 82 year old getting too much work done
  4. How do you go about dealing with this imbalance between up/down forces on the tup in your Ironkisses John. Do you use a regulator in the supply to the top of the cylinder. I built a KA75ish hammer with pulling instead of pushing cylinders and the improved balance really improves the control.
  5. so what is the weight of the tup? It sorta looks a bit light compared to the size of the frame?
  6. looks like it's not too old a photo looking at the footswitches (for a roller?) at the bottom of the picture
  7. Is that the normal way of instaling the Eire or has it been lifted as per the Jessy James nazel?
  8. way out of my depth here but is the beaudry a one piece?
  9. I'd no idea you guys had some many varities of air hammer. There again, there was a time I thought all power hammers looked like Blackers.
  10. Took me a while to suss it. I'm kinda assuming you've got them scanned into your computer. Make sure they're a sensible size, say somehwre around 12" max at 72dpi (geek alert geek alert. )One picture at a time is realtively easy. For multiples you've got to click on "try switching to our basic uploader" then play around clicking some or other buttons. I'm just a hammer geek not a computer geek so get out of my depth at this point. You'll suss it. One confusing thing is it's a 2 stage process. Once is click to attach somehwere on the left, other is add to the post somewher on the right. This bit puts the picture where your cursor is in this bl***y silly box.
  11. Nuge Thanks for that. Only problem is this ****ing forum is a bottomless pit of time, now I've found some DVDs to make the pit even more bottomless Off Topic "Theres nothing woung with her that a hundred Dollers can't Fix" T Waits
  12. Point taken. Any common misconceptions, urban myths that need clearing up, bad habits people have using them? I'm the first to admit I'm a total powerhammer geek. I DEVOUR any knowledge I can get about them, especially from an authority. That wasn't meant to be sarcastic. I've always been so against forums/ internet etc in the past. Totally changed my opinion when I built my first Kinyon. It must have been so difficult finding info about powerhammers in the 80's 90's .... not many relevant books out there. One of the reasons I changed my mind about forums was reading some of the posts from people I consider experts such as John N, NakedAnvil, JohnLarson amognst many others. I've met John N a few times and he's a stand up guy. People like Grant I only know electronically but I've read enough of his posts to come to totally respect his knowledge (can I have my O.B.N* now Grant) whats more I find his humour /sarcasm very entertaining. It can only be good to have another expert in their field here. There's always going to be disagreements, God knows I've gone out of my way to wind people up and still haven't been banned. Forgot say be careful if you do end up using this forum stuff, I'm finding it a bottomless pit of time. Most of this weekend has gone up in smoke reading/posting. I've got to the state where I'm gonna have to wean myself of it. *O.B.N = order of the brown nose ..... Grant, umbrage was my word
  13. I think most of us here want to forget all that hammer + business stuff. Start posting something useful and then we can take you on face value. To be honest up till now you haven't said anything that interests me at all TELL ME SOMETHING ABOUT HAMMERS, START A THREAD ON SOMETHING WITH MEAT ON IT
  14. I was going to use the word mainly, as in mostly, in another post but held back out of deference Spot on there
  15. Alan's part of a pioneering English generation including amognst others Terry Clark, Anthony Robinson, Charles Normandale, Jim Horrobin who really pushed the bounds of blacksmithing in this country in the 80's. Some of there work is featured in a book by Amina Chatwin. I picked it up in the mid 90's when my soul was being crushed as a school teacher. That book changed my life .....maybe for the better. Only problem with having these true "Master Blacksmiths" to look up to is I keep banging my head against a wall thinking I'll never be as "good" creative or as inventive as they where/ are. PS Yeah Chris Brammalls work is SUPERB as well
  16. without wanting to tread the sexism quagmire I've gotta agree with you. Hope this doesn't come across as some sorta mutual back slapping society, but I'm quite impressed by yours and DangerD's gates. It's always good to get as far away as possible from "mock 18th centuary Georgian gates". I've got a VERY healthy respect for past metal pioneers, engineers and problem solvers but I don't see the point of simply worshipping the past without moving forwards. I'm always trying to get away from "gates in a frame". Kinda becomes a good balance of engineering, problem solving and design. I've got a few questions to ask about your gates but I've got to wean myself of this forum. I'm spending WAY to much time here
  17. gotta agree with that, I've also got trouble with the term "Artist Blacksmith", I'm loathe to call myself a blacksmith, let alone an artist. If I have to use the "B" word it's as a "Contemporary Blacksmith"
  18. Given your avatar I kinda thought you might be "The Eyeball Kid"
  19. That's two compliments from you, you feeling alright? Actually you once called Brianbrazealblacksmith da man. Now he IS da man ...... oh yeah and all, umbrage was my word!!!!
  20. We've got a "guild" this side of the pond called the "Guild of Master Craftsmen". http://www.guildmc.c...rade/The-Guild/ How do get to be a member? 5 references and pay them a fee. Phooosh, Ping, tddaaaa, Bob's your Uncle, suddenly you're a master craftsmen. Hey, you even get a special logo you can put on all your business literature telling everyone you're a master craftsman. Funnily enough, I don't want to join.
  21. So come on then, that hammer is so yesterday, join in the spirit of this forum and start spreading some of the knowledge you've learn't as a master or any other type of blacksmith. I'm sure you've got lots of tips, and tricks of the trade and experience we'd love to hear. Don't want to keep all that valuable knowledge to your self do you?
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