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I Forge Iron




You Might be a Coppersmith . . .
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005 If you know which year copper pennies were made from steel

004 If you know which year pennies started using alloys

003 If you ask the name of the company that did the copper work so you can get their scraps.

002 If you think patina is a colour.

001 If you look at the green roof of a building and wonder how you can achieve the same patina in just hours.

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if you are green around the gills.



... if you know that the patina of copper is called verdigris.



If you feal a tear slowly roll down your cheek as you glance up looking for the first glint of green on the cupola that you fabricated and installed 15 years ago which at last glance had turned dark Brown, only to see that the buildings owner has had it polished to a new penny shine. 

George N. M.


Back in the '50s a geology professor at the University of Wyoming built a full size T. Rex out of copper plates which still stands besides the entrance to the UW Geology Museum.  The expectation was that it would turn green as it weathered.  However, there is not enough reactive chemicals in the rain in Wyoming to create verdigris (copper carbonate) or any other green oxidation product.  So, it has weathered to a nice dark brown which may be a more authentic color for the critter than green anyway.

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand."   

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