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I Forge Iron

Identification help

Any idea what this is or what it is used for? It was acquired from an abandoned blacksmith shop and there were railroad related things there also. It appears to have L & S I.Co cast in the handle.

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Lassen Forge


It looks like a crucible, maybe for babbitt? The drop center is pretty cool...

Hayden H


I've seen a tuyere that resembles this sorta thing, and it was priced at $500, but it was one solid peice with the internal ball thing-a-ma-jig attatched to a handle

Tim McCoy


I vote tuyere with the ball thingamagig acting as a diverter



I have one similar, from what I have been told it is a tuyere for Charcoal and was mounted directly to a bellow.  The double cup spreads the air stream out.


Then again I could have been told wrong.


Rich C.

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