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I Forge Iron

New source for the e-books


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By the good luck I have stumbled upon this web pages: Scribd Once there if you type such words as blacksmithing,bladesmithing,metalwork,samurai,weaponry,armor etc.,something always pops up.People are uploading books there on daily basis,so new additions keep showing all the time.However there is no way to download it(as far as I know),but you can read it online freely.

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To download any books from Scribd you need to join the site!! it is free, and only takes a few minutes of your time

I did it already,but still have no idea how to download it(and I have tried couple of times).But also I don't need it physically on my drive-reading online is OK for me.
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I did it already,but still have no idea how to download it(and I have tried couple of times).But also I don't need it physically on my drive-reading online is OK for me.

Ak si date zobrazit konkretnu knihu, tesne nad textom knihy sa objavi par tlacidiel, jedno z nich je Download. Klik na neho, potom klik na pdf format, chvilocku pockat, zacne sa otvarat a stahovat dokument. Je potrebne mat nainstalovany pdf reader. Ten je free na stiahnutie. Ked sa vam kniha otvori, treba este chvylu pockat nech sa dokument stiahne skutocne cely. Potom uz staci kliknut na ikonku diskety, alebo pouzit save as...

zvolit nazov dokumentu a je to. ak nieco kludne napiste.
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right click and hit "save as". I think that what our friend is saying?

Maybe i should translate:

When you open the book, above the text of book, apear some buttons. One of them is Download, Then click on pdf format. For pdf you need a acrobat reader(you can download it free from web). Then the book start to download, and should be opened in web browsver window by acrobat reader. But if you opening a big file, this should be unstable way. And you must wait much time.

Another way is, when you click to download button and pdf format, you can copy and paste link on which you are redirected. This link must be paste to opened acrobat reader.

Open acrobat reader, than klik File > Open... and to the line File name: paste the complete link. this link can have form (for example ): http://d.scribd.com/docs/1eaot0ucfol346elqnt0.pdf THIS CAN TAKE A WHILE TILL LOADED, BEACUSE SOME BOOKS HAVE MORE THAN 40 - 50 MB.

If some problems persist, meybe i can make some grafical manual.

This is perfect source of books i ever seen on web. Enjoy.

PS: I found here books like "The Master Bladesmithing" or "Modern blacksmithing" and many more. Edited by GreyRashka
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