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I Forge Iron

Wrap around AX heads, 1095 insert?

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I was making a wrap around style ax head the other day..The insert for the bit was 1095..The 1095 bit and front of the blade welded up like glue but for some reason I could not get the back of the blade(near the eye) to weld up to save my life :confused: Do you think it was because I welded up just the front first then tried the back with a re-heat? Maybe I contaminated the mild steel fold from welding the front first??? Any thoughts appreciated :)

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that is a problem i have often... i usually try to weld the eye area first then put in insert and weld ... the reason that welds better is the high carbon is a lower melting point therfore a lower forge welding point ...you moght put a piece of steel the entire leingth of the weld .. that is what at least one blacksmith i know who manafactures large quanaties of them does ... makes it easyer or so i was told...

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Yeah, KYBOY. Always start them at the eye and work forward. Any trash has a better chance of being forced out the front. Then leave the front edge open, spread a little, wire brush clean, add insert, heat and flux, then bring to weld heat to finish. It takes some practice, and I don't mean to try to sound like an expert, because I am far from it. But mine have been comming out pretty nice, pretty consistantly. Never tried putting a peice of steel the full length, but sounds like not a bad idea.

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